A little to much emphasis on the K. The letter is unimportant. I like the idea of the 3D ball with shadow etc, but the 'image' within the ball/block needs to be abstract, but relate to what we do, ie: - data centres - fibre optics (good for spashes of colour) - modern/sleek commercial buildings
Take a peek at some of the links/comments that I have provided.
Thanks a lot for the invitation. I would be glad to do 3d logos for your contest as per requirement. I will make & upload more 3d logos as per your feedback asap.
I really like #3 on this page. Use this for inspiration (albeit with our colours). https://logotournament.com/contests/ivdatacenter A flash of fibre optic light could be cool. Th efont of our topped ranked logo looks good.
It was really glad to work with in the logo project. We would like to design & develop your company website. Would you planning to design website ?
As we are highly expertise in designing & developing quality website. Please mail us for our Website design Portfolios. Here is our company website http://www.keysofttech.com and our Email id : sohilobor@gmail.com We will be wait for your mail & to work with you.