Oh my Goodness Criss you always blow me away when i think i got good you always step it up a notch and let me know that there is better im truly impressed all three are #31#30#29 tough decisions for me i wll get Arthur to look at them and give me any suggestions if there are any but i truly love your work #31 pops and is extremly classy thank you thank you
Hey icriss of course I've loved it from day one I will place the new design up so Arthur can see it oh just wanted to ask u as a designer and me as a client i know music like u know art so I trust your eye for art and I'm just asking as far as the current design is do u have any other suggestions or ideas for karma logo that if they were your pop girl group that u would want it to look like or be added to the current design I'm Just asking because I will be using this in a lot of places on a lot of things and I want ppl to remember it and I want it to be a wow factor if u can understand what I'm trying to say in this message lol sometimes I have soooo much to say yet words on paper don't seem to show my passion or emotion lol but I hope u can understand what I'm trying to convey
Unfortunately i'm not familiar with US music trends in marketing (images/branding),
I personally would go with a design that is brand-able on many materials -so I can brand it on custom jewelry necklaces, and also look good in black and white for fax machines/ embroidery, etc...
but as i said I'm not familiar with the new trends in the music industry regarding the branding/ images, you will have to guide and work it out with any designers until you reach or embed your thoughts.
What it makes a good logo: - should look good in both white and black backgrounds - should look good in one color (black) (suitable for engraving)- see apple logo - should not have background effects - the effects should be applied separately on marketing materials - I also don't like the shadows in a logo - it causes some print problems (as previous point the shadow should be applied separately where it needs.
hi ICriss i think i understand your last message lol and i am going to make my decision on today as far as karma i need a little more time on Arommet Inc. i feel on both logos i recieved some really wonderful ideas and it has been a very tuff decision for me i will do my last ranking at noon central time and my decision for karma will be around i guess 1 central time i just have 1 final question because the last logo you sent it was simple but it had a nice feel that i really liked and im not sure if it is even possible to have to logos and make them both work but i was thinking for outfits that karma will be waring,web site, digital media, stationary, business cards, pencils/pens, notebooks and some T-shirts for the kids using #64 and for the office and when we have staff things sent envelopes and letter heads sent out for bookings etc and staff polo style shirts at concerts/events using #71 or maybe just using #71 for everything im not sure as of yet but when Arhur get back we will proff and make the final decision and we will go from there again i really thank you for your art work and design and communicating back and fourth with me
Hi Crisis this is Temmora with Arthur again I lost your email but I wanted to know if I could get you to design my letterhead and envelops for karma as well as for Arommet Inc. as soon as possible I loved what u did for whitehaven medical weight loss