Karate St-BonifaceLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Karate St-Boniface

Karate St-Boniface has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 113 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Hi there, there is my entries.

in #63 i try to make something different from others designers. I put the famous japan gate inside de red sun.
In #62 i made a mascot for you.

best regards

- macgui
13 years ago
Hi. Many thanks for the submissions. I really like Entry #63, wow! I would really love to see that with the "Shotokan" kanji instead of the "kara te" kanji if it fits since we do shotokan karate specifically. Also, I would really like you to try something to replace the gate with a white version of the Franco Manitoban wheat symbol transformed a bit to look like the gate. That could be really nice. Really very nice logo!

The other ones could almost be for my kids group (little tigres). Not quite what I'm looking for for the main logo.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there, thanks for ur feedback.
Here is the changes that you asked for. #68
About the little tigres, we can talk about this after you choose a winner (if i won or not.)
How about that?


- macgui
13 years ago
Logo Designer
i will redesign the gate and the franco symbol vry soon.
13 years ago
Thanks! One thought is maybe with the border a bit thinner would make it easier to put in the shotokan kanji.
13 years ago
That could work yes re question. Something to think about.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there.
Here is my new design #76
I have mixed the japan gate with the Franco Manitoban, and i made a little modification too. In this version the red sun get bigger and all symbol more clean and strong.

Tell me what you think.

ps: in order to defend this idea, many karate's club/school we can see logos like this one #64. Japan gate is more exclusive.
13 years ago
Entry #77 is phenomenal. What an amazing use of the flag. So simple and unique. Do you think having the 3 shotokan kanji characters would be too much? Also, thoughts on just having the border be the same width and the sun straight red? I have to run, but will send more feedback in a few hours. Amazing job!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there, thanks for your kind words. Im working hard here to make a very unique logo.
Here is the version with 3 shotokan kanji characters. #81.
Works fine for me.

Let me know your considerations.


- macgui
13 years ago
I like Entry #81. Can I ask again about the thought behind the border getting thicker near the bottom?
13 years ago
One student was saying he missed the gate out of the flags. Not sure how to adjust, maybe the bar a bit higher, maybe the flags thinner base or the bar thicker. Not sure. Also, wondering about putting the sun maybe a bit lower or on the left and having the kanji flow over or toward the right.
13 years ago
I'd also appreciate seeing #68 with a thiner border. Just having the wheat like that is already a subtle replacement of the traditional gates. The feeling is like looking at it through a telescope.

As for the shotokan characters, logo #81 is actually "kara te do" I believe rather than the shotokan one. But that's ok for now. I think the shotokan kanji are a bit more complex than I'd like. Will think about that.

Thanks again!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
hi there, thanks for the feedback. If you need other shotokan characters, feel free to ask.
ASP i will do the changes that you asked,

Once again, thanks.

- macgui
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there, sry about the time, i was in my design office. (i owner a design studio here in brazil)

I made the changes that you asked for. In #93 i made a new symbol (japan gate + Franco Manitoban)

Let me know what you think about all there new ones.


13 years ago
Very nice gate in #93 with the subtle modification for the flag in the gate. Somehow the characters on the right (#95) don't look as nice as on the left.

Again, can you indicate the design idea behind the border being thicker at the bottom instead of a uniform thickness? Just curious.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
About the border,I thought as martial arts involve a lot of respect, the person who will soon see the logo will tend to read it from top to bottom, and then the reverse. This is the idea of greeting, something like Saikeirei. Also is a good graphic element to make the logo more strong.

I can do the uniform border if you want to see.

13 years ago
It's really a beautiful logo. It really captures the essence of a karate logo for me. I've invited feedback from friends at this point and hope they feel it would promote the club well.

Some subtle refinements I'd like to try are the following:
- I would like to see how it would look to make the inner stems a bit narrower.
- Please provide a version with the name. On the right side seems good to me, but maybe wrapping around or under might look ok. Not sure.
13 years ago
For the name, the thought is if I put it as a badge on a gi or jacket, the name on the right wouldn't quite work. It really looks nice on the right though for say a letterhead or back of a jacket or an advertisement.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there!
Here is the changes that you aksed for and some new ways to see the logo like a badge.

#100 and #101 i create a strong shape around the logo that will preserve it always on a gi or jacket.

in #99 i made a more thinner the borders.

#102 i just inner stems a bit narrower. (like you asked for)

Let me know waht you think about these new ones.


13 years ago
Logo Designer
#103 is just a variation of the #101
13 years ago
Hi. I love the new elements. Let's see if we can combine the best of everything:

1. Start with #102 that has the uniform width border on the circle. I really like the thickness of the border as is.

2. Around that logo, add the name in the white circle from #99. However, please center the dots horizontally. though I'm thinking the outer border of the circle the same thickness as #102 (if you think the thin outer border like #99 already has looks better, then go with that).

3. If aligning the dots needs the text to have tighter kerning (like #101), that's ok. The letters in #99 may be a bit too spread out.

4. This item is a small touch up. The legs of the gate in #102 seem as thick as the others, so I think maybe there was a confusion in my explanation. To clarify, what I meant about stems was the legs of the gate (the inside legs on the wheat). Overall, each leg of the gate seem thicker than the traditional gate's legs (#63). The inner legs seem really thick. The outer legs really thin. Maybe thin the inside leg a bit, but should stay thicker than the outside legs. Let me know your thoughts on that.

Thanks! And I have thoughts for the kid logo too we can talk about after perfecting this one. I'm really excited!
13 years ago
Wait a bit for the feedback. You've already given me so much and I'm going to print some first and see how they look on a gi. Mainly just need to see if black or white outside circle is nicer, though I guess I would be ok to just inverse that myself theoretically if I need to? Any thoughts on that would be great.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
hi there im back.
i will change B&W for you.
About the changes that you asked in January 18th, 2012, 8:39pm, do you want that i follow it now? or wait like you said in last comment?


13 years ago
Logo Designer
I have decided to made the other changes for you, dont worry about the work.

here is my replies for the January 18th, 2012, 8:39pm

1. I like it to
2. I put only the main symbol with the same thickness as #102, the out border get much better with the single stroke.

3. Done, get much better with this way

4. I made the inside legs more large than the outsiders (#102), the inside legs is the same thickness as #63.
however i made a new one with both legs get the same thickness.

Let me know if you have any others direction.

13 years ago
Hi! First, I want to say how meaning I find in this logo. It's just the incredible and far surpasses my expectations. I will share those with you later.

As for refinement, please do the following:
- Start with Entry #107
- I find that having the inside and outside circles different thickness seems a bit off. Please make the outside match the inside's thickness.
- Keep "St-Boniface the same" but make "Karate" wider (more kerning) to be the same distance from the dots on each end (K and E) as "St-Boniface" is (S and E). If you don't think that's good, let me know. I thought having "Karate" wider like #99 might look nice.
- Make the dash "-" in "St-Boniface" red like entry #93.
- The outside legs of #106 are too wide thick. I much prefer the original like #107. Plaese try having the inside leg bottom as wide as the top. Then the outside leg just a bit wider as before (like 2x only).
- I really liked the idea of Saikeirei with the circle (#93). If you think that can work in #107, please try that for the inside circle.

Also, can I ask where you got the kanji characters?


13 years ago
The reason I ask about Saikeirei is that I would likely use the logo without the outer circle and text when I put it on the breast of a gi (like the logo part and shadow of #93). But maybe on the back of a jacket, I would use the full circle logo like #107. And on letterhead or a business card, I would use the text on the right like #93.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Dan, good morning.
Thanks for your great feedback. I will do the changes when i back from my office. Is that ok for you?
About the kanji characters, i make a search in internet and re-draw by myself to make unique in your logo.

Best regards.

- Guilherme
13 years ago
Hi Guilherme,

Yes, that's perfectly fine. If it wasn't clear, obviously you are the winner. Just fantastic. I'm not sure the full process for closing and finalizing, so I haven't clicked that yet because it only gives 48 hours from what I understand to get everything closed and uploaded. I'm very busy also the next couple of days, so I didn't want to rush and get it just right. I hope that's ok with you.

For the kanji, it's hard to see the detail right now. I will probably need to see the logo at higher resolution to confirm.

Not sure the process for everything, but in the end, I think I would need the following:
- logo with outer circle and name (like #107)
- center logo on its own (no shadow) so I can make a badge on a gi
- center logo and shadow underneath with text on the right (like #93)
- font

Then once this is done, after we can talk about a separate job to add a little karate person like #64 for my little tigers kids problems.

Thank you again and talk to you soon!

Best regards,

13 years ago
I just noticed the width of the legs on the outside like #83. I think that's the thickness for #107 needs. Just a bit thicker than what you have now. And then make the inside legs just a bit thinner.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Dan, sorry about the late, i was very busy here.
What a great news! im glad to be the choosen one.

I will make the changes that you asked and send to you soon

Best regards,

- Guilherme
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there, here is the following itens

- logo with outer circle and name (like #107): i submit #110 with the new kanji characters and the outside legs a little thicker.
- center logo on its own (no shadow) so I can make a badge on a gi
- center logo and shadow underneath with text on the right (like #93): do you want with the bottom thicker?
- font: Trajan Bold
- I put the kanji character separete for you get a better view. (i made all by myself): #109

I didnt see that you opened another contest, the karate_manitoba. If I knew i would have participated in, or negotiated with you with the Tigers logo to get a better price.

When you finish the contest, i can upload how many files you want for you.

Let me know if you have any more directions.



13 years ago
Hi Guilherme,

Thanks for the uploads. Will respond a bit later today. Gotta run to a meeting. Sorry about the Manitoba contest. I left a general feedback comment about it. I am the president, but our marketing person is responsible for that contest, so that one will be a vote by the Board. That being said, we are looking at extending the contest. Not sure if that allows you to enter. Let me know.

Talk to you later today.


13 years ago
Hi Guilherme,

The legs in #110 are perfect! The outer legs seem more substantial and supportive of the gate. Fantastic!

The kanji are nice in #109. For the "do" character, please modify the end stroke on the bottom right. A bit sharper, like http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1X-xEMPvfvyzOyjuIcwaw5szO3jB8306dCVa62-m44lAOCM1B

I think it will be easier to focus on one treatment only. So, let's do just the inner logo part first. Use #93 as the starting point (keep the original thicker border on the bottom, I like that for the idea of respect). Make the legs like #110. Use the new kanji characters with change to "do" end stroke. And I think it will be perfect!


13 years ago
Note for this, keep the whole logo, text and shadow with #93.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Dan, here is the changes, #111

- new gate legs
- refine "do" kani character
- text, spaces and shadow like #93


- Guilherme
13 years ago
100% Perfect!!!! :) This is great Guilherme.

Next treatment. Take the logo as is (with the thick border) and then add the circle around it with the words like entry #107. Use the dots aligned horizontally like #107. Keep the word "St-Boniface" the same kerning as #107. But, make the word "Karate" a bit longer like #99. That way the words are both the same "length".

The only thing I am not sure about is the outside border and how it will look with the thick insider border. So for the outside border, do what you think would look nicest.

Thanks again,

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi dan, about the other contest, here what the support said about new designers participate if you extend the contest:

"Yes - if he extends in open mode. Check now.
Best regards,

Ivan Fedorowich
Customer & Community Support"

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the changes: #112 and #113
I like the strongest version (#113), i think this way cause more impact as a badge on a jacket or a gi.

Ler me know what you think.


13 years ago
Hi Guilerme,

For the extension, it unfortunately passed that. Again, sorry I didn't just tell you directly. I knew you were the winner pretty much the moment I saw that logo :)

Did you mean to type #112 when you said strongest version?

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Dan, thanks, you already told me that im the winner, :) im very happy here.

I said about the outside border, in #113 it is thinner, in #112 is thicker, so i guess is more strong to make a badge..

- Guilherme

13 years ago

Sorry, still a bit unsure. You mean that because #113 has a thinner outside border, that #113 would be stronger as a badge then? So you would suggest #113?


13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Dan, dont be sorry im here to work for you. :)

I suggest #112 for badge and #111 for any other aplication.

- Guilherme
13 years ago
Hi Guilherme,

We have a winner. Congratulations! :) I'll mark it and then we can figure out the files. I know for sure:
- #112
- #111
- #111 without the shadow or name
- Font

It's EPS they say. Would you also be uploading something else like Photoshop file?

Many thanks again!

13 years ago
Oh, but before I select the winner, which version do you want for first place? #111 or #112?


13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Dan, thanks again for choosing my designs.
About the first place entry, #111 is fine.

And EPS file allow you re-size without lose quality, but i can send for you too a PSD file. Im ok with that.

Send for me a private message with your personal email/skype and we can negociate the next projects.
How about that?

Once again, is a pleasure working with you.


- Guilherme
13 years ago
Hi Guilherme,

Ok, will hit winner right after this message with #111 as number one.
Thanks for the EPS and PSD files.

Sounds good for the next projects. My email is sensei@karateman.ca.

The pleasure is all mine! And once again, thank you for the great design!

Best regards,

13 years ago
Hi Guilherme,

Thanks for the upload. The jpgs look good, but I'm having an issue with the EPS file for some reason. Getting errors regarding conversion to PDF (tried a couple apps). Also, would the PSD be uploaded or would you send that later? And do I need to get the font separately as well?


13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi dan, i send an email for you with the files and font, please check.
(now we can talk by email, is much easer and faster)


13 years ago
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