Hi! Entry #60, #61 and #62 and much more like we're looking fore. I really like #61 and #62. Can you try to incorporate gold please? Thank you for the submissions!
Agreed. this is very much what we are looking for! I love the shading of 62 and the look of the design of 61. Can we see some gold and more of a distinct karate shape? Very close to what our vision is. Thank you!
Hi there. Thanks for #103. The feedback is that people like the logo. We would like to see just the figure doing the move (without the text) and also one version where the text is positioned a bit differently so it's less wide (maybe underneath the figure, maybe with Karate on top of Manitoba on the side, etc.)
I have submitted design as per your feed back. If you still need changes please let me know. I can help you with the other design material such as webdesign, brochure design, stationary design biz card design, advert design etc........
Overall, we really like #108. We would need some of the variations in position of the figure for different applications. Is it possible to also get #103, #105, #104, #107, #111? Could you provide a EPS / JPGs for #108, with a B&W version, along with an *.ai file containing that and the variations (assuming you used Illustrator)?