Can you please change font to that of entry #4, large K and H and all capitols. Will you also send in a sample with icon to left side please. I really like this great work!
Will you please play around with making the font different. Clear concise and visible. One of the entries someone made all font capitalized and the K of Kailo and H of Homeopathy larger. I love them, and I have ranked you highest, but can't decide if I like color or blue best. :-) Thanks!
Okay thank you. I like #67 a lot. Can you make the slogan letters in #67 the same color as the leaves in #66, and omit the grey. And also attempt to make the circle more like a sphere or 3D. Thanks!
Thank you! #70 is my favourite so far. My primary color is blue. What do you think about somehow having less yellow, and more blue. Possibly shifting the yellow to blue and making one green petal yellow…I am not sure but I like the yellow, it's just really strong. Sorry to keep you up all night, I respect you are 12 hr difference in time. I appreciate your work.