JustHitchedLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / JustHitched

JustHitched has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 107 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
My first entry for your logo. Please let me know if there is anything you'd like changed. I'd be happy to make any adjustments you might want. Thanks!

(This comment references Entry #57)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
the same design on black

(This comment references Entry #58)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Same as previous, except added gradient to 'bride'

(This comment references Entry #59)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A variation if my first entry - moved elements around for more horizontal layout

(This comment references Entry #60)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Previous design shown on black

(This comment references Entry #61)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Same as previous design, except added gradient to 'bride'

(This comment references Entry #62)
14 years ago
#62 and #59 are good - why is the C on both slightly lopsided?

Can you put a greyish tinge into the slogan for both (2 more versions)

Then can you also try doing the words in lower case or with just the J and H as capitals

thank you.

keep up the good work
14 years ago
Actually on #62 can you put a pink line under HITCHED. A line like Alexander has in #66
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there,
Thanks so much for the feedback. I'll make the requested changes, and resubmit the revised concepts for your review.
The 'C' in hitched is just that way in this particular font. I'll substitute a different, similar font that doesn't have a 'C' that looks like that.
Thanks again!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's the first revision of #62. I changed the font for 'HITCHED' so the 'C' wouldn't appear lop-sided. And I gave a slight gray tinge to the tagline. Thanks for the feedback!

(This comment references Entry #82)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A second revision of #62 - I added the 'ribbon/streamer' beneath 'HITCHED'.

(This comment references Entry #83)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A variation of the previous entry - I added a bit of a flourish to the end of the ribbon

(This comment references Entry #84)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Variation of #62, Upper and lower case combination of 'JustHitched".

(This comment references Entry #85)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Revision of #59 - changed the font for HITCHED, and added gray to the tagline as with the others.

(This comment references Entry #86)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Upper and lower version of previous.

Let me know if there is anything you wish changed on any of these entries. Thanks! Pam

(This comment references Entry #87)
14 years ago
sorry i gave the wrong example before

Can you take your #83 and put a line under HITCHED like Alexander has in #45 (its a straight line not a curved one) I think that would look great!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Absolutely! No problem. Was out of town today, so will get this done some time this evening. Thanks for the feedback! Pam
14 years ago
thanks Pam.

I have extended the contest to give you time to do this. Please do asap though as i will end the contest early. If it looks the way i expect i believe i will be choosing yours

One request though, once you have put the straight pink link, if i choose yours can you supply one with a black one and with a white one (background). i really need both so i can use the black one for my internet site and the white one for letters etc?
14 years ago
Logo Designer

Gosh, thanks so much for extending the contest.

Here is #83 with a straight line, instead of the curved line. I used a 2 pt line; just let me know if you'd prefer a thicker or thinner line. I'd be happy to make that adjustment.

On this particular entry I made the line to run the length of 'HITCHED', which is centered over the slightly longer tagline. I'm submitting 2 more versions, one with the line running the length of the tagline, centered under 'HITCHED", and the other with all 3 elements the exact same length.

And yes, absolutely, if you choose my design, I will provide the same design on white, in whatever formats you might want.



(This comment references Entry #105)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
And here's the same design, but with the line as long as the tagline.

(This comment references Entry #106)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
And the 3rd option, with 'HITCHED', the pink line, and the tagline all the same length.

Let me know if you want any of these adjusted in any way, and if you want to see the white background of any of them. I didn't want to spam your site with the white versions of all 3.



(This comment references Entry #107)
14 years ago
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