Local Businesses and Community Helping Local Cancer Patients
What We Do
Providing just a break to local patients with advanced cancer by giving local cancer treatment centers donated 'break' packages for a hotel, dinner and show for them to give to patients in need of a break.
Color Preferences
No yellow, orange.
Red, Green, Blue, or Purple, (with some grey, black, white)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
See our web site for more details about us;
Prefer more horizontal instead of vertical so it would go across the web page more than up and down the page
Image with JUST-a-BREAK text under or to the side of the image. Text can be different color or colors to match/incorporate into the image
Would like tag line / slogan to be able to be placed under logo
The image can (but does not have to) have an image(s) that incorporates or looks like (can be a little abstract); heart(s), hand(s), cancer ribbon(s),