Congrats Peg. Your our first selection!
You did an awesome job. On the ciurrent design, I'm wondering if the alligator would stand out more with just a white background - how you did the toucan originally. I'm also wondering if it might look cool to have his other hand griping the top of the letters. We can play around with it a bit more. Bit I'm excited to work with you on this. Best, Rob
Hi Peg. Question: If we move forward with this concept and we wish to make future modifications or versions, are you available to do this? How does it work?
I totally understand that you want to respect other designers' concepts, but the animal is only one element of the design and does not represent the overall concept in and of itself. As you can see, more than one designer used the toucan already. In any case, I'm not stuck on a monkey or iguana so if you come up with a different animal that is compelling with the facial expression we're looking for, great. But if you do decide to use a monkey or iguana, I don't think that's a problem either. Also keep in mind that once we select the final design, we hope to continue working with the designer for additional versions and sub-brands as we progress with the business.... I appreciate all your efforts on this. Rob
I love that idea, but other designers used a monkey and a iguana in the blind phase of the contest, so those are their concepts that I can not copy..We all work so hard on our own concepts during the blind phase of the contest. I will try to think of some other jungle animal that hasnt been used...Thanks for your understanding.. Peg
So the feedback I'm getting is really positive. Folks love the font style and coloring of the name, and the eyes really make it unique and edgy. I agree with you that the single pair of eyes will stand out more on smaller scale formats...although I do love the multiple pairs still! One consistent piece of feedback is on whether we might consider a different animal instead of the toucan...mostly because the toucan has been done many times already and it’s hard to put a facial expression on it. What we’re thinking about is an iguana or monkey holding a piece of exotic fruit that still has the stem & leaf on it (maybe rambutan?) and with a snide facial expression like he just stole it from the jungle and got away with it. The facial expression is key here – we don’t want “happy”…we want “snide or sneaky” along with seeing the piece of exotic fruit with its stem and leaf. What do you think?
Hi Peg. Really cool! You'll definitely be in the final group with this. Let me have a few folks in my company take a look at this and then I'll be back to you. Thanks, Rob
This is so cool! Great improvements! One idea, if you think you can make it work....Do you think somewhere between the "jungle" and the "fruit" words - near the middle where the leaf is - we could include a set of eyes looking out from the darkness. I would try to keep the leaf there as well if possible. Let me know what you think.
Hi. Thanks for this interesting design. It is certainly one that I could put on the ranking list. A few comments: (1) We probably won't use the "Inc." as part of the brand because it will be visible in multiple countries. (2) I love the bold color combination. Just wondering if a color more closely aligned with tropical fruit - maybe a bold orange? - instead of the pink would reinforce the the tropical fruit theme. (3) I also really like the dark background with the leaves but want to make sure the leaves are visible when the graphic is used in small print (i.e. for package labels) (4) The font style for the name stands out nicely, but if there is a way to enhance to make it feel a bit more "edgy" - even a bit dangerous - that would be great. I want the consumer to have a sense of risky adventure when getting familiar with the brand. Just some initial reactions. If you have questions or wish to offer other modified design(s), that's great. Otherwise, I'll be back to you as the contest progresses and we see how high up your design(s) ranks. Thanks!
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You did an awesome job. On the ciurrent design, I'm wondering if the alligator would stand out more with just a white background - how you did the toucan originally. I'm also wondering if it might look cool to have his other hand griping the top of the letters. We can play around with it a bit more. Bit I'm excited to work with you on this. Best, Rob