Hi. Thanks so much for all your efforts. Your designs were excellent and made it extremely difficult to select a single winner. So we actually decided to utilize more than one design….since we will have multiple products and sub-brands we plan to launch. So even though your design was not the first chosen in this contest, we definitely want to work with you and the design you created. It’s awesome! Please contact me at rlapides_at_rlapides_dot_com Thanks, and I look forward to working with you! Rob Lapides.
I think the monkey is the ideal character to use. A monkeys diet diet consists of the very fruits you are marketing. The monkey dwells the trees which produce these fruits. Im currently making some improvements to the monkey i will upload in a while.
Hi. Yes the eyes are my idea.
Question: If we move forward with this concept and we wish to make future modifications or versions, are you available to do this? How does it work?
i have got other entries to upload but i realized another contestant has the type of eyes you asked me to use use. was the eye concept yours? if yes there would be no problem for me to upload.
Very cool. Thanks for submitting. Some initial reactions: We're trying to create a mysterious adventure theme so I'm wondering if we could adjust the monkey's facial expression to something that is a bit snide...maybe holding a piece of exotic fruit (i.e. rambutan) that he just stole from the jungle. I also could see adjusting the FRUIT word to orange color tones (instead of green tones) to stand out more, and then darkening the green background around the FRUIT and, instead of the legs and tale, we use the space at the bottom where the darker green background is to insert a pair of eyes looking out from the darkness. What do you think? Rob
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Question: If we move forward with this concept and we wish to make future modifications or versions, are you available to do this? How does it work?