If you would like to work some more on some simple but really nice colors on those as I outlined in the general feedback I would really appreciate it .
Can I ask if you can do a couple of nice color variations of #145 , also maybe a shiny web version , it would also be good to see broken aout and standalone the "arc and dot" in p like an icon
i already upload some variations color and for final delivery you can get variation color and solid/plain background and b/w version with some formats files.
I think the color black (example #153) blue (example #154) orange (example #155) , also I like the pink version , but maybe more cerise if you can find a trendy/modern version (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerise_(color)) sorry if this doesn't make sense Im not color expert at all
Then there are several nice combinations and versions: shiny, non shiny , with and without Icon , Logo with colored Icon inside.
I need your help here , do I have to ask for every version at this stage or can I come back at a later stage to ask for a a change or update within this context.
If you confuse about the colors don't worry i will send several color in the final files. And if you already choose the logo please let me know and i will work on that.
For Logo combinations , I really enjoy the possibility for combinations that can be used ? If a combination is not part of final are you ok for me to ask after ? or do I need to specify now ?
Will be better if you can let me know your specify now, also in the final files already LT rules i will send several colors, formats, and background as well.