It still says it has been withdrawn... does it take a little time to come back into the system? It is the logo that is the same as the one we have ranked #1 but with the light background and reddish script/ring.
Hi, no problem, and i think i enjoy this contest. very enjoy.. but i'm sorry, today, now, i must go to a college in my country for teaching, maybe you can see design update for next 4-5 hours.
Hi ! I'm so sorry for delay. I'm sick from yesterday, but i talked to you that i will give you design updates. #183 > Tree, Stylized J and W as trunk. Also, you can see hand encircles the tree.
You are very diverse in your skills and these are all interesting designs. After reviewing all the candidates we feel the first ones you presented are more in line with our thinking. We wanted to comment that it's not because the new ones are not attractive, but because the contest experience has helped us to better see what we want.
We have come a long way. This is our first logo contest and it has been exciting and challenging. And we have watched as our preferences and moods have ebbed and flowed throughout the contest. There are several great candidates for the final prize, but tonight we would like to lay down a challenge that may not be typical at You have all worked so hard and produced great work, but we are now raising the bar.
You are designers not only because you have the artistic and technical skills, but also because you see the world differently than those who are less artistically gifted. You perceive shape and colour and motion and mood and nuance and balance and expression to a greater depth and sensitivity. We have been discussing these things tonight and are now poking the fire.
We want to see you dig deep. We want to see who is willing to pull out all the stops, take risks, and expose themselves in their designs. There are no rules - only that you labour and labour and labour to try to understand our need from afar - in far off places in the world where you design from - having never even met us!
Here is a flurry of thoughts, words, and statements from our conversation tonight. We leave it with you, and with one day left hope that this challenge finds you inspired, willing, and ready for our harshest criticism and warmest praises.
- growth (reaching) - community (trusting/joining). - somewhere in a design that makes oppose to a static statement/mask. - composing a design that speaks to "jw", and the "therapeutic relationship, growth/community culture" - the difference between a seasoned therapist and a unseasoned therapist. We are NOT paid for a good time, and WE know it. - evolve the object (counsellor & client), evolve the subject (therapy) evolve the verb (community) and evolve the adjective (trust). - create a language of a thousand words. - we say... " a logo that is truth-telling, and trustful, and is a credit to conscious experience between living creatures" make it familiar, and at the same time, make it known between living creatures (white, black, Indian, native, indigenous)....think grade 5 education. - Find the language. Find the design. If I can do it in my sessions/language......then you can do it with design. Speak a common universal language, and then.... I'll love ya and pay ya.
Sincerely and with vigour! Representatives of Judith Wiley.
I'm sorry for the images link. The color is white, so you can't see it on white background. Left-bottom of , you can see that signature what i mean. I just take J and W for initial.