I really like # 15. The letter font is GREAT. It brings the name out and I like the logo look to the side. Could I see it in Red with Black, or Purple and Black.
Also # 19 & # 20 are good, could you change the font wording to look like # 15 on both?
Im looking for depth and contrast... can you add some 3 dimintional look to it?
I like your designs very colorful and unique. Thanks for adding the sword, could I see it in other places... like maybe right down the shield where only the handle and the tip can be seen as its behind the shield (hope this makes sence). Also can you add so depht... I would like to see it pop out more. Can you shed some elegance into it. I work with highend ($$$) clients and want to protray that.
Anyway to add paizazz to the design... I work with highend clients and would like to focus on catering to them even more... any ideas or new concepts are much appreciated.
Hi, Here are new variations. If you have any specific request, just let me know. PS> I don`t understand what PAIZAZZ mean. Did you misspell it, maybe? Regards, Bob.