We like many of your designs....largely because most are clean and fresh. #10 - we would prefer not to have a "boxed" background with reverse type.
As to the rest, we would like to consider options for with and without tagline. We like the fonts and colors... Perhaps play with color combinations, perhaps gradations of colors...
We have moved you to the #1 position. You have a very interesting design which we like a lot and want to see further variations on.
- Please darken the green in "Strategy Advisors". Needs to be a single shade of bold green. - Please show two logos - one with the tagline and one without the tagline ("Actionable Strategies.......")
We're getting close to our decision and are pleased to tell you that you are one of the two finalists. Before reaching our final decision, we'd like you to provide a few more variations on your entry #141.
1. Please show "Strategy Advisors" in the following colors: Gold, Orange and a bold Grey (same as in tagline below). 2. Please show each of the color variations above with and without the tagline on the bottom.
Congratulations. Later today, my partner and I will be declaring your entry #161 to be the winner!
We need to get final artwork from you with the following requests: 1. In entry #161, please use a deep Blue pantone color for "JSM" - one that is commonly used in printing. There's seem to be a little too much purple in it right now. 2. Please provide a second version of entry #161 with NO tagline on the bottom. 3/4. If possible, can you also provide us a BACKUP logo using entry #141. This version should show "Strategy Advisors" in a deep Green pantone color that is commonly used in printing. We would lack to have this backup logo With and Without the tagline on the bottom.
If you need to reach us after we have selected you as the winner, please feel free to contact us at the following e-mail addresses: Susan@JSMstrategy.com Jim@JSMstrategy.com
Qien: You've done a great job. Thank you very much for your excellent work.
Hi, We are pleased with your work and now preparing to move forward. Congrats
A few questions to close the loop on earlier comments 1. We would like to have the pantone numbers for each color used 2. We had asked to see a version with 'a strong green' color 3. Can you confirm - we will want to be able to use the logo with or without the tagline...is that possible?
Thanks... Susan JSM Strategy Advisors
PS We may want to have discussions about other design work; just want to wrap this phase first.
Susan, i have done all request you ask and i was sent those to email you provide yesterday, please check your email :) and let me know if those are okay. :)