I like #15 the best. I really like the font in both a lot. I like the color, but I'd also like to see another color or two for comparison. I also think the symbol could be a little less abstract. I had some trouble discerning the H in the heart. Also, if you do choose accent a letter, I think the J would be best (or both at the same time) since most people refer to me by my first name.
I still like the first logo #15 the best. I'd like to see a variation with H outside of the heart keeping the original circular guitar hole. I do like how you tapered #26 to help the J stand out more, but I think that the swirl is a little too much. I like the single color logo the best, but I'd like to see other colors for comparison.
I like #39. The dark background makes it feel more like performer's logo. I'd still like to see the end of the J tapered, so that the J stands out a little more. Also, instead of black could you try another color, like a dark gray?