Awesome contest. being a christian myself, this is one of my favs. I'll definitely be submitting more. Quick question, under slogan you have "Joshua 1:9" did you want that incorporated? Great verse by the way. I have the verse on the "shield of faith" on a necklace around my neck as we speak. This is a very personal contest for me. Thanks so much.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
I changed up the color pattern a little. I didn't see a specific order in which to layout the red and blue, but it seems everyone is doing the same. Let me know if there is a preference. also, quoted the verse in the shield, sublte but it's there.
Great use of the logo! You weren't kidding when you said it was subtle! I didn't even pick up on it until you pointed it out. How would that translate to other marketing materials -- print/web/clothing, etc without being illegible? I like #10 a lot. It's nice and "beefy". We actually have the blue and red colors on the shield transposed and are using them this way on our yet-to-be-published website. That's what we're waiting on the logo for. :) Do you have any other other suggestions/submissions of different shapes of the shield or something altogether different not using a shield? We are open to suggestions. I also like the font in #10. Reminds me of parchment paper. Thanks for your entries!
One last comment -- maybe make the colors a little richer/deeper. I really like #10. I think #9 will be too long for the applications we intend to incorporate it into.
I like your variations of #16 & #19. I'm trying to imagine what they would look like on hats, etc., though that will not be the primary place we will use them. #17 is a great attempt. We have builder friends who use the oak tree as their logo and this reminds me of that. You would have no way of knowing that but I appreciate the effort there.
Take a look at entries #24, #26 & #27 by Dolphin Press. They incorporated a roofline into the logo. I like that idea just not sure I'm satisfied with the final look.
We really like #10. Can you drop the J down just a bit on Joshua so that Properties is "enclosed" by the J and the P? Also, will you do another submission that has Joshua Group Properties superimposed over the shield and/or maybe one that has the shield as more of like a watermark?
Going back to your previous submission with the scripture verse on it, could you do the same thing with just Joshua 1:9 rather than the whole verse or somehow incorporate Joshua 1:9 subtlely into the shield?
Also, do you think we will be able to replicate the mirror imagery in screen printing/embroidery applications? I do like the 3D look of it.
One last thing, can you do a submission that moves the red to the upper right quadrant and the blue to the lower left quadrant?
I do still like entry #11 I'm just not sure the scripture will be legible. Might wind up looking to "busy". Still considering it somewhat though so please don't withdraw it yet if you don't mind. Thanks!
be as picky as you want, it's YOUR logo :), I will get to work on these for you. Thanks again for the feedback. and about the printing concerns, The printing capabilities these days are amazing so I don't think it would be a problem.
so on this one I, extended the "J" to enclose the properties, changed colors of the quadrants and I added the Joshua 1:9 to the top of the shield which required a bit of an extension in size in order for it to look ok, But still, these images on the site don't do justice due to the sizing. I'm working on the others but quick question, when you said, superimpose Joshua Group over the shield, not quite sure what you mean, you want the shield behind the type?
I added the cross in this one to seperate the quadrants and also, I enlarged the whole image so you get an idea of the detail ie. the Joshua 1:9 because it's hard to see on the last entry.
Great work! Love the use of the logo in both. Can you shrink the spaces in the word Properties some so the P and the S aren't so close to the J and the P?
Also, we really, really, like how you incorporated the cross into the shield. We are concerned it might be a little too "in your face" but are still mulling it over. Can you change the look of the cross somewhat to be a little thinner but still evident? That way a little more of the red will pop too.
The answer to your question above is yes. We just wondering what it would look like to have the writing over the shield but think that it won't be nearly as effective so disregard that edit.
Can #38 & #40 be made to "break" apart if we wanted to say, use the shield on the front of a hat and the name on the back? We are trying to think of how we would use it in different applications.
Absolutely, Everything is editable once the winning EPS. files are transfered. I always organize my layers to make it as easy as possible to edit anythin later on.
Interesting idea with #42. Haven't thought in that direction but I like the different ways the "under construction" can be played up. Still mulling this one over. I need to get feedback from my business partner.
not a problem, although I do have a problem with other designers playing on my concepts. You can agree that the cross in the shield made my entry very unique as it seperated the quadrants. now another designer comes in and tweaks MY idea and gets put to first? not ok. Sounds petty I know but when it comes to concepts and ideas for us designers, it's golden, It's what helps us stand apart from the rest and you obviously liked the idea as it was put in first. I'll keep submitting entries but I might have to take this to LC. Thanks again.
We definitely like #41 too! If there could be two #1s we would have done that instead because they are so close in the running. :) I'm not sure what LC is but hope you will definitely keep tweaking your submission as I know you've worked really hard on it and really listened to all the feedback we gave. This is also what is important to clients.
We do like the shield in #61& #63 much better. It's a little more refined than your other one we previously ranked. Also like the use of the J and G on the shield. Thanks!
Shields in #80 & #82 are too bulky for us. What happened to your cross submissions? You were also on the right track with that. Maybe incorporate that and/or the logo somehow into #61. Thanks!
We like the shape of the shield in #61 and would like to see you incorporate a cross similar to the one that was used in the previously #1 ranked entry that was removed. Thanks!
I can't recreate the exact cross as the previous designers although it was removed it wouldn't be right but here is something similar. I am working on some other entries so I might not submit for a few hours.
Thanks! After reviewing more of the discussions in the Contest Holders forum as well as the Codes of Conduct, I have a better idea of what is expected/allowed. I apologize if asking any of the above crossed the line. We are very happy with your designs -- especially #89. Thanks for your efforts!
please don't apologize it's ok. I'm glad you took the time to read that as it does help to get a better understanding, I am pleased to submit my designs for you in hopes of you finding the best logo :) Please let me know if there is anything you would like to see changed up.
Was just getting ready to comment on #61, #89 & #91. The shadow effect on the shield looks different on all three. We like #89 as it gives the appearance of the shield being concave. Also, we like the new mirror image/shadow effect below the shield you are using on #89 more than in earlier submissions.
Was just getting ready to comment on #61, #89 & #91. The shadow effect on the shield looks different on all three. We like #89 as it gives the appearance of the shield being concave. Also, we like the new mirror image/shadow effect below the shield you are using on #89 more than in earlier submissions.
I was going to put "Joshua Group" in a banner above the shield as well but thought it would be too much. Let me know what you think. Thanks. 2 more days ahhhh :) lol
Hey there, so heres a new idea, the cross/key. This is just a testing entry on the concept but I figured it could play into the real estate part of your company, again, just testing the waters on this since my original cross conecpt seems to be getting used a lot, Let me know what you think, Thanks!
here is another entry with the key/cross. I also added some sublte, elements such as the initials and the cross at the bottom of the key. Hope you like it.
#128 - very creative concept. We're trying to decide if we want to go that direction. Is there a way to make the key not so blocky looking? I'm sure that's not the right word . . . Any other versions of this concept?
How will these translate to black and white in the event we have to use them in that application? We don't want to lose any of the elements and are afraid the cross in #109 might not show up.
Understandable, Here are some options in B&W, you won't lose any elements and as you can see, you can change it up from black to white anytime, everything will be editable.
There you are! The changes are coming fast and furious right now. We've had so many great entries to consider it's hard to keep up. You're still in the running though -- don't lose the faith! :)
#170 -- can you mute the colors like you did in #40 & #41?
oh that comment wasn't geared toward you, to another designer who I feel stepped out of line, I just didn't want to leave the comment on the main page for all to see, I'll never lose my faith, Thanks I'll try to submit the change for you real quick :)