Just oploaded all the variations you asked for. I based the designs mainly on the color scheme of #103.
- Longer handle on the glass: #112 / #113
- Current ranked first in the new color scheme: #114
- Larger font: #115
- Bolder font and "recruiting" and "inc" with only the first letter in caps: #116
- Smaller font (same as 116) with a subtle stroke: #117
- Graphic with a larger handle on top: #118 / #119
- Personal favorite: #120 (3 color setup, a bit darker blue in the graphic to create some more
contrast and I think everything comes out great without being forced. The glass, the people and the JIR combination)
I think your request "The handle could lead into the capitol "I" of "Jones-Ingham"?" wouldn't work that well, because the either the handle would be too small or the letter "I" too thick. And that limits your option to use your logo because the graphic and the name are merged, which results that you can't use the parts as stand alone. But that's just me.
I also dislike the use of a larger handle where the graphic is on top of the name. I think it creates too much space between the graphic and the name, losing it's connection.
This is my advice and thoughts. This can be different from yours, but don't get me wrong, it will be your logo. So pick the one you like best.