Thank you for these solid entries. I think we are leaning towards #41, #40, and #36. Please keep these available because I can't present these to the client until tomorrow.
Vea, for some reason the client is starting to gravitate towards #38 now. Can you please do a couple of variations off of this design for me? Thank you!
1. Like them mountain - maybe do some version with snow cap mountains. 2. They also said they would like to see some blue highlights on the mountains. If you want to work in blue someplace else to compliment the blue on the mountains I would think that would be fine. 3. They would like to see an option without the star.
Hello, The revisions will not be a problem, however please keep in mind that only the top 5 ranked designers can still upload entries during this phase of the contest.
Okay Vea, I put you in the top 5. Thank you for letting me know.
Also, client just brought #36 back into play. They wanted to see that version with the Charter School text smaller. John Muir should be primary and Charter School should be secondary.
Great submissions! Client is all over the place right now so there is no clear leader or ranking. Please keep all versions available. If the client really start leaning one direction I will let you know. Thank you!