In reference to entry #1 , I'd like to see a different treatment on the font itself, though I do like the use of the pricetag as the ".com" part. As for the mascot, the placement is okay and interacts nicely, but the character himself really isn't what we're looking for. Would like to see a different take on him as well.
Also in reference to entry #1 , the orange doesn't seem to work for us color-wise, at least not with the green. And as for the mascot, your logos for Pediatric Consultants or Arthus & Co (even though that's an animal), are a bit closer to what we're looking for. You can also use cartoons like Family Guy and Futurama as a sort of style we're hoping to be closer to. Thanks.
Well this one is definitely more like Futurama, unfortunately it's way too close. Use Futurama or Family Guy or Simpsons as a general feel for the soft/cartoony nature we're looking for, rather than a specific model to follow.
As for the font, these colors work a little better, but would love to see different types of fonts. Maybe something a little more Web 2.0-like. I do like the .com in the price tag though, that's a nice touch.