1. On Entry #110, can you try the mm in Jimmy normal with space in between the letters? 2. On Entry #110, can you do a version with R209 G59 B29 instead of the red and also the version as requested in #1 with the R209 G59 B29? 3. Then, another version of each without the .com
In addition to the 3 requests above, can we maybe see one with Marketing under Jimmy and have the bullseye starting from the "i" in Marketing...placing the bullseye on the right.
1. On #120, and #119 can you do the m's where they aren't side by side? 2. Also, do two other versions where the arrow is thinner and the bullseye is thinner (we want the focus to be on Jimmy Marketing - not the arrow and the bullseye) 3. Finally, try the color R209 G59 B29 instead of the red for the bullseye.
On Entry #126, can you do a version where the arrow is a perfect head. Currently, the arrow looks like it is embedded into the bullseye - I am curious how it looks a sharp arrowhead. Thanks so much!