Thanks for the idea. At this point I'm getting discouraged because most of the designs are virtually the same as our old one with the components just shuffled around.
If you have a truly original idea, I'm dying to see it.
Sure thing. I think your contest will be a tough one since it's sort of specific with the elements. I'll work up some ideas. I've got one thought that would use Jimmie's signature. I'll have to find out if that's acceptable to use, but I'm assuming he owns it and not NASCAR. But I know licensing/etc can get a bit tricky.
The bow tie is optional I have yet to see a design that highlights his initials 95% of the designs have a flag what about a car grill that has Jimmie Johnson in chrome and the bow tie on top? See the southpaw health contest (outside the box)
I'm not a designer and maybe none if those ideas work but I'm holding out hope that someone is about to drop a kaboom with an idea I never imagined.
Lastly, as for the jj signature, TNS served one up but the problem is that jimmie's signature is slightly difficult to read.
So, i say all that to say, there is no mandate on hoe things may be arranged or expressed.
Thanks for the additional input. For some reason I was thinking the bowtie was a required element. I'll get to researching and sketching and seeing what I can come up with. I'm sure you'll wind up with a logo you're please with.
I have another question for you. If you were to prioritize what the focus of the logo should be would it be Jimmie's name first, dealership and chevy second and third?
Kearny Mesa Chevrolet (priority) Jimmie Johnson's (accent)
To be considered, the design must have a few components:
1) The word CHEVROLET must be part of the design. 2) The design should have the flexibility to be used both with, and without the Chevrolet "Bow Tie" logo. 3) The Chevrolet "Bow Tie" cannot be altered in any way. It is against Chevrolet's Graphic Standards.
I really like the new colors and of the two designs, I prefer 173. There is something about the top of the design that leaves me feeling like something is missing but I LOVE the placement of the Chevy Bow Tie and the rich colors. Curious to know if you tried it with the grill pattern in the background or not. Not sure if that works but it sure worked in the black version.
and here's 177 with black/silver as well. I think this is it anyway. You'd marked some as not interested and to help keep things straight I had cleaned up my entries. My apologies if this isn't the one. If so let me know. Thanks.