I have several my associates that were really taken with your design and anxiously awaiting the completion of the logo. I would have to say that I prefer the original design better. For me, the simplicity of the "J J" inside the shield was great. The current rendition has become too complex.
So, I would ask you to consider simplifying it again and finding a place for the Chevrolet Bowtie outside of the shield.
Just a couple of ideas. I'm sure you have your own.
Many thanks for your submissions and I look forward to seeing more ideas.
P.S. I also have to ask for "Jimmie Johnson's" to be in a font other than script. His signature is well documented in both his personal and professional pursuits. Something that would be similar to what is in expressed in #225 or #113.
One other note. I really liked the three dimensional effect of design # 198 & 200. Perhaps the Chevrolet "Bow Tie" could rest on top of the plate and below the word, "Chevrolet."
Thanks for your great comments. I have redesigned the badge concept to make it simpler and cleaner whilst incorporating the chevy logo. The signature has also been replaced. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
I like #25. Now I need to see it with the colors turned on. Give me the chrome, rich black and sprinkle of gold. I like the black and gold Kearny Mesa contrast in #250.
Imagine it being the emblem on a white button down or polo style shirt. I need it to pop a bit.
ok here are some color variations and a zoom to show you the detail. As you can see by your top pick if I match the coloring in the chevy logo it all looks a little washed out so I think these are the best options. keep any feedback coming.
I have a feeling you've already tried it but does the "Kearny Mesa Chevrolet" combination of #250, not work with the new "Jimmie Johnson" font?
If it doesn't, then I need to see some other alternative fonts. I'm good with the shield in 254. I'm good with the black/gold contrast of Kearn Mesa. Something about the thick bold font is troubling me.
Curious to hear your thoughts. In fact, if you'd like to tell me prior to execution, that would be fine.
I was in the midst of trying it but due to the time difference I have missed your contest deadline. I can submit if you decide to extend or place me in first place. Being in australia can sometimes be a pain.