Thank you! I actually ranked yours #1 but then I asked my wife to look at all the logos... She ranked them the way they are now. The reason I like yours is because it's very attractive. The reason Connie likes the other one is because the image communicates "family and security" with the couple, the kids, and the house. Got any ideas?
I've been thinking about #63. For technical reasons (how we plan to use the logo), I'm leaning towards #63 partly because of its size. I like the fact that the image is beside the wording. Here are a couple suggestions that would improve #63 and make it a powerful winner: --Make the image less cartoony, more realistic (this logo will be used in a professional context) --The buildings are a nice touch... at first glance, they reminded me of 911, the family in the front (coupled with the big city, the trees, the planet, made me think of my responsibilty: as a wealthy American, as a consumer who is responsible for the planet God gave us to manage, and as a Husband and Father... My family is my most precious responsibilty -- the most compelling reason I have a financial plan/financial goals... --The planet is great, not sure if its possible to add a bird or two in the sky to add a little more beauty/freedom -- but if possible, that would be a nice touch
I'm amazed at the talent and creativity of many of your designs. I love the birds but the image is too large for some of the logo's applications. I'm totally impressed with the blueprint with the gyroscope and blueprint page turned up!
Hope these comments help. Thank you! --Jim PS: Please don't forget to look at my other contest: Make Your Money Count
#66 -- Wow. Thanks for the fast response! Sorry I failed to give you more feedback in my first response. See my notes above, please. If you can make the buildings and people more clear and a little more realistic, I think we have a winner. Thank you! Jim
#63... The logo image (earth, etc.) is very small so the more clarity in the images the better... instead of cartoon characters, maybe sharp outlined shadows of a family or group? The earth and clouds work great. The buildings could be a little more like the 911 towers -- again, crisp sharp lines would be fine, I think (but tall, straight, more realistic, more serious would be better for our application).
#66 -- Wow. Thanks for the fast response! Sorry I failed to give you more feedback in my first response. See my notes above, please. If you can make the buildings and people more clear and a little more realistic, I think we have a winner. Thank you! Jim
Thank u for your nice comments... Actually i've seen your comments after i've submit my last works... Now, i'm working on for your direction and i'll submit amends asap...
#70 is getting closer... I liked the old (square topped) buildings much better -- if you can just make them straight they would be perfect. The pointy-topped buildings won't work. And the clouds have to be as white as possible. You can eliminate the little houses, I think they may make the design too busy.
I'm not sure if the people look better in #69 (white with black outline) or in #70 (multi-colored).
Can you make the clouds white and the buildings square? Google "twin towers"... That's more like what I'm wanting. Two tall buildings would represent "busy city life" - and they might also make people think of 911...
And, can you eliminate the two houses?
White clouds, square buildings that look more like the twin towers...
Blue clouds are fine... I just realized why you can't make white clouds. Sorry about that... Green trees are a nice touch, too (keep the trees). I still think it would look better without the little houses. If you're having trouble finding straight tall buildings, we can keep the ones you have in #68 (so far, they're the best buildings for this design). I really appreciate all your extra effort. Thank you! -Jim
#74 - great buildings! Can you do this... Use the people from #70 (white with black outlines...) Use the trees and clouds from #72 Change the shade/color of the buildings to be the same as #72 -- the shade of the CENTER BUILDING LOOKS PERFECT. Thank you! Jim
#74 - great buildings! Can you do this... Use the people from #70 (white with black outlines...) Use the trees and clouds from #72 Change the shade/color of the buildings to be the same as #72 -- the shade of the CENTER BUILDING LOOKS PERFECT. Thank you! Jim
#80 -- the buildings are perfect. The clouds aren't working. I know I asked for white clouds but I didn't realize that would require black outlines... Can we go with the original blue clouds?? And can you transfer the people from #10 and put them into #80 instead of the people we have now? I like the people in #10 a lot better... Thank you! Jim
#84 -- Yes. Now, can you reduce the size of the people by about 20%. right now, their heads are too closely aligned to the buildings and the trees kind of look like wings. If you shrink the people, I think the design will be better. Thanks --Jim
#87 -- Would you be willing to put a gyroscope image in The Blueprint and adapt your earth, sky, bird, trees, and people image to Make Your Money Count? I'm not posting this on the main page. I know I've asked you to do a ton of revisions. You're an awesome artist and I think its fair at this point to give you a head start to nail both contests. Good luck! and... Thanks --Jim