#53, #54. Nice Job. I like it. The font is nice. Shows some luxury. The "J"'s are the wrong way, can you wrote both image 90 degrees to the right. So a mirror image. Also, can you show some other color variations and use mixed colors. Orange, Green. Lastly, using the "J" with the diamond, can you have in on the ground and then have Look. Love. Buy. across it. See the other entry for example/idea. Thank for your efforts.
Whispande. I like your style. Can you do many other revisions. Try to get the "ewelsters" to flow into the logo of the "J", so that in the website, it can be lateral (east to west). The way it is now, top to bottom uses a lot of space on the website. make sense?
#63 is on the right track. Now can you add some color to the diamond. and then the next step would be to have the diamond lying on the ground and have Look. Love. Buy. across the diamond and through the "J". Make see. See other submission for people attempting the look.
#64 is perfect. make the "J" a different color - a certain type of purple maybe. The Look. Love Buy is too simple font. Change it to a script cursive and in orange