JET FinancialLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / JET Financial

JET Financial has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 141 designs from 28 different designers from around the world.






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Grafikus, great work and a great design. Really enjoy the colors.

For #5, Please increase slogan text size, also increase the spacing between the letters.

Can we see a logo with no symbol, however the top part of the T in "JET" is a flight path that arcs over "Financial" ending with what could be a JET or abstract symbol with wings
12 years ago
Logo Designer

Will be posting the revisions in a short while. Really appreciate the ranking:-)


Best regards
12 years ago
Grafikus I believe overall that your classic font #5 is much much better than your modern font #9.
I very much enjoy your colors in #5.
I very much like JF however I like the symbol more because of the house.
I also like, very much, the elegant effects with the JF in #5

Can you use these comments to make a joining of the two ideas
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the compliment! I'm working on the changes as we speak:-)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Update as requested:

#30, #31, #32

Let me know your thoughts...

12 years ago
#30 is EXCELLENT! You did an amazing job joining the designs.

I love your jet shape in the others #31 and #32. #31 better. There are some problems with the flight path though.

You have a very fast jet. So, the flight path should be very thin and straight, not swooshing or going up and down.

1) Try making the left half of T still T, but right half of T becomes straight line of flight path.

Other designs have many curves and swooshes, you should be thin and straight for your flight path. I love your symbol swooshes though in #30.

For #30, great job with everything.

2) I would like to see what would happen if the JF Circle (#5) got a house window in the top left of it and some swooshes in the bottom right, you know, combine the two symbols? Use #30 when done because I like those fonts and colors.

3) Additionally, I would like you to imagine your jet in "top view" and place the blue jet at the tip of your symbol swooshes for #30. Make it part of that.

You still reign grafikus, but I would like to see these changes...

Thank you
12 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, your wish is my command (lol)...

Thanks for the constant feedback!:-)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here we go...

#41, #42

will post my revision for the "JF Circle" in a moment.

12 years ago
Grafikus you're KILLIN it!! :-) :-)

Can you have a slight poking out of the swish just like you did with #30, love the grey poking out, maybe less because the jet is there now.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Surething! #46

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's the revision for #5 as you suggested:


12 years ago
The revision looks good; might be a little much going on there however.. Thanks for the look though!

Regarding #46, can you keep the gray swish poking out as in #30, emphasizing the flight path of the plane from #46? I'm thinking basically #30 with a plane at the end, but a slightly shorter extension out of the box to keep the design tight. Do what feels right, I certainly trust your judgement in this regard.

I also prefer the gradient/matte look on #30 to the glossy sheen of #46.

Thank you very much for all your work on this, it is looking fantastic. We are very excited about this design.
12 years ago
Logo Designer

12 years ago
As cool as the jet is, we're going back to #30. The logo reminds us of domino's pizza a little. Can we add a chimney to the left roof. Thanks for your participation so far you're designs are right on the money
12 years ago
Can you also post one with the combination of #30 symbol (with chimney) and #42.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
update: #58, #59

12 years ago
Thanks for the updates, #59 looks good... #58 was just an experiment

I would love to see the window integrate a little better. Can you do 2 quick mods for me-

in both of them, the chimney is slightly wider.

one of them has a diamond window, current window simply rotated

the other one is a circle instead of a square.

We continue to love this design #59

Thanks grafikus
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Done...#60, #61

12 years ago
Hey grafikus -

Still loving your design. One thing I've noticed that I would like to see on #30 is the text looking a little tighter. It seems a little fat to me right now - maybe make it a smidge taller? Just seeking a slightly more elegant but professional look. You're damn close as it is though.

Also, I like the idea of "Financial" being in "small caps" style. Can we try something like this out?

Thanks for your work grafikus - still sitting strong. Everyone I talk to loves your design.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
As requested...

#100, #101, #102

Thank you!:-)
12 years ago
#100 looks sweet - I kind of like the lowercase serif font quite a bit, but still don't know what we'll settle on.

What I meant by small caps, is the "INANCIAL" smaller than the F. So you have JET Financial, but still all uppercase letters. I think that's a sharp look.

Also, I liked how JET was bold. Post two revisions with these changes, but have one w/lowercase serif "mortgage & credit mentoring" and one with the uppercase original lettering.

I'd also like to see one with a darker blue - something like this: or similar color that you like to use.

Thanks tons, good sir.

12 years ago
Logo Designer

No problem, I can provide you these two versions once you'll decide to go with my logo:-)

#123, #124

Thank you!

Best regards,
12 years ago
Alvin, thanks for your work on this project.

As a final draft, I'd like to bring several elements together:

1. The text sizing of #30, maybe even a little thinner (very slightly), and keeping the "INANCIAL" smaller than the "JET F". Look at the second place runner to see how I would like the text.
2. Text spacing of #124 is very good. Maybe something between #124 & #30? Use your judgement.
2.5. Keep the spacing of #30 w/regard to between JET Financial & "Mortgage & Credit Management"
3. Darken the blue on the house a *tiny* bit, and darken the grays in the piece a bit.
4. Make the icon *slightly* smaller. Seems too big & overpowering.

That should do it for changes. Also, we wanted to see it with a dark background as a test to make sure it will work if we ever use it in that way. Could you work something up for that?

Thanks a ton grafikus. Your communication and follow-through has been stellar. It has not gone unappreciated.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
No we go:

#125, #126, #127 and #131

12 years ago
We've made our decision on which logo design we want, and we will just be working with you for minor changes, making sure it's just so. I mean, this will hopefully be our logo for a long time going forward!

Thanks for your patience with all these revisions - I know we're kind of picky people, my partner and I, we just like them as we like them; I'm sure you understand ;)

Thanks for the design, Alvin. You're a boss. Just wanted you to know that I saw your design when I woke up on day 1 and flipped out with how good it was. You rock, man.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you! Standing by...:-)

Have a nice day or night!:-)
12 years ago
Night for me in the States :) I'll be up for a while though.

Ok. I love the revisions. A couple things to tweak. I'm now torn between #125 and #127! If I could see minor revisions of both that would be fantastic.

Revisions for both:

1. We want to go with the coloring of #124.
2. Size the logo between #127 and #30... It's just a bit too small now.
3. Darken "Mortgage & Credit Management" to be the darkest part of gray in the logo. If it already is (can't really tell by eye), make it a bit darker to stand out a little more. Or maybe try a bold? I don't know; again, use your judgement.

For #125 ONLY: Please bring the lettering height to be between #127 and #30.
Leave letter height of #127 as-is. It certainly fits with the longer "J"

Thanks again!
- John
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John,

It's done...#134, #135

12 years ago
Perfect. Simply brilliant.

On #135, can you bring the bottom text up a bit, so it sits comfortably under the JET Financial, then center it vertically against the icon? Too much whitespace there right now.

With #134 though, I think we might have damn near a finished product...

Just have to consult with my partner about what he thinks between the two. I'll get back with you in a couple hours when I can get a hold of him (he works late). Looks amazing, sir. Great work. Appreciate you so much.
12 years ago
I agree, I believe that you are in the "zone"... in "my money zone" and you will get your just rewards with #134.

I will say that for the final logo delivery-

1) No two letters are actually touching, and
2) We can have a solid colors version, a gradient version, and a glossy-looking version...

I have nothing more to add, #134 is at the end of the road. I saw what you did with #135 and while I understand it, you did a better job with #134

Kudos & Cheers
12 years ago
Cheers indeed :D

Thank you Alvin! Hero of the week award goes to you. Once you deliver the final(s) as Justin outlined above, feel free to use the finished product in your portfolio if you wish.

You have created a logo that is absolute sex to me, and I never could have imagined I would find myself romantically attracted to a logo design. Damn fine work, sir. I'm equally impressed by your communication, quick revisions, and most of all your patience with us throughout the entire process. This actually turned out to be a determining factor in our decision, as it got close for a moment. In the end though, we felt your design best portrayed the values of the company while highlighting its strengths. I can't say enough, man. Keep it up, you're a hell of a designer and we were extremely lucky to have you working with us. Thank you.

I also think it's hilarious that pretty much everyone tried to steal your design. It was like, "Nice try kid, this one belongs to grafikus." You owned the show on this one.

Peace & Victory, always.
12 years ago
You're probably going to want to hit me, but if you get this before you make final revisions, just to satisfy my neuroses, can you make sure the color of "JET Financial" is the same color as the darkest blue part of the icon? I'm kind of OCD, I apologize.

Cheers & Thanks :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John,

I've just logged-in again and I'm so flabbergasted by your compliments!:-) You're so kind!(lol)

Yes, The Jet Financial color is the same as that of the icon.

If you'll make this quick, I'll be on cloud nine!!!:-)

Thank you once again!

All the Best,
12 years ago
Once I end the contest, can we still request revisions if needed?

#134 is tops. That one will most likely be the final.

I would however like to see a separate design of #127 with the same icon size & color of #134. Also, nudge the "JET" to the right a little so the furthest left side of the J lines up with the furthest left side of the M in Mortgage under it. Make sure the right sides are perfectly lined up as well. I'd like to visually compare #127 and #134 and run it by a few colleagues to see what their opinion is between the two.

I'll end the contest as soon as you post the #127 revision, unless it doesn't matter and we can still revise after I do so. Just let me know.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John,

Yes, I can still make revisions even if the contest is over. I could also provide you the files for the entries you want (#127) thru email or link, aside from the required Logo Tournament winning files.

Standing by...:-)

12 years ago
Logo Designer

12 years ago
Ok sounds great. Contest is over. Aaaaaannnnd you are crowned the all-glorious winner! Congrats man, thanks for working with us! You have earned this one for sure. #141 IS THE WINNER!!

We'd like to request a solid color, black & white, & glossy logo of #141 as well.

I really loved #30 & #134, and if they found their way into my inbox I'd be cool with that.

My email is if you ever need to contact me. Maybe down the road if I need some graphics work done I can contact you? I would love to work with you again sometime - you far surpassed my wildest dreams for how this could turn out.

Any chance you could upload #141 real soon? I don't know how it works but maybe you could send the solid colors, b&w, and glossy later? I actually need to get #141 on a business card and get them to the printer today :)

Thanks again Alvin!
12 years ago
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