surely sir
if you choose on of the logo,
you can request to get additional design according the winning logo,
including, black white version, only text, only icon, and or another color if you desire
please let me know if you need anything to tweak sir,
This question is not meant to be a breach of etiquette, I really do not know.
If I choose one of these logos would I also get a file of just the "JJ" element? I am still considering one like this, but I do see some uses for just the "JJ" part, but there is no way I can only choose that as the state laws requires advertising contain my full name.
I do not have great computer monitors, so i want to make sure the JJ is a red and not an orange? It looks red to me, but one time I did a logo tournament for my other business when I got it, the red I thought was actually orange! I am sure it was my fault, hence me asking.
I'll admit, this was not my favorite at first, but for some reason, this design keeps catching my eye more than most!
This idea has potential, but nothing to tell me this is a lawyer. However, I see you've incorporated this into other designs, I look forward to reviewing them
Comment Activity
#263 #264 #265 #266 #267
please let me know sir
surely sir
if you choose on of the logo,
you can request to get additional design according the winning logo,
including, black white version, only text, only icon, and or another color if you desire
please let me know if you need anything to tweak sir,
best regards
If I choose one of these logos would I also get a file of just the "JJ" element? I am still considering one like this, but I do see some uses for just the "JJ" part, but there is no way I can only choose that as the state laws requires advertising contain my full name.
sometime you may use a only icon logo, for your business card, this is example how it look like,
and also it fit for favicon,
the size of icon is same height and width.
best regards
the monitor computer is right,
but its in RGB format,
it will be messy if you print an RGB format,
to make sure you get right color, it should be printed in CMYK color code,
best regards
#228 #229 #230 #231
I'll admit, this was not my favorite at first, but for some reason, this design keeps catching my eye more than most!
#207 #208 #209 #210 #211
please let me know
#168 #169 #170 #171
#172 #173 #174 #175
#176 #177
its simple, easy to use, and meaningfull, easy to convert to embroidered
best regards
please check my newest entry,
tweaking give it blue and deep purple color
#103 #104 #105 #106
#107 #108 #109 #110
#111 #112 #113 #114 #115
hope you still like
best regards
here my ideas
a initial j's and also music note in same time,
i think its meaningfull if you like music
icon can be used separatedly from text #37
best regards