Great work here. We love the font you have chosen for jennyCMS. We also feel the coloring is a great choice, really like this blue color. That said, we are not sure we love the circular object going on here. We like 69 a little more than 68. Can you try some other ideas on that icon/shape? Round is fine for the shape, but maybe this is just too busy for us, takes away from the jennyCMS wording a bit. Thanks!
East Coast Creative, for #69 we love the jennyCMS part of this logo. It has great font and look to it. However, we don't love the globe with the numbers going around it, just too busy for us. Can you simplify that part of it? Take a look at some of the other ideas that we like as far as the round icons go. Again, we love the font so don't change a thing at all on the "jennyCMS" part. The globe, like the idea, but it is just too busy for us, want that simplified. We only have less than 2 days left in contest. Thanks.