Re Entry #31 I like the way you have stacked up Jen Keller and SEO Specialist underneath so the eye goes right there yet it is softened with the "JK" mark in script. Can you make the SEO Specialist just a bit more noticeable because it seems "too greyed out". Also, are there any other variations on this "JK script" you can do within the box?
Also on Entry #3, can you do one where it says "seo specilaist" and not "seo expert"? and make those words just a little bolder but not to take away from the "Jen Keller"?
I really like #64 and #63! On #64 -- how would it look if you anchored the lines so that they line up with the "seo specialist" line? And could you get it so the "jen" is a little less lost (either with color or with size?). Also, can you do a version without the "seo specialist" line? On #63 -- same thing -- make the "jen" a little more prominent -- and i prefer the "jen" with a "dot" on the "j". Can you also get rid of the triangle on the top? And do a version of #63 without the Seo specialist like -- would liek to see it both ways. really like what you did though!
Can you do #64 with those same colors and just make the "jen" bigger like you did in the other ones? So it fills the space a bit more like in the others
also can you do #64 with just variations on just pinks and greys -- see the borderline to this template here? and the same pinks and greys on #74? I do like it with the seo specialist line underneath!
Yes. Like that. on #80 ! Also, I am a little worried about the "yellow" jens being too light in contrast. can you try some other colors. Which do you like better -- the vertical lines or the horizontal ones, btw?
Thanks Jen! I'll work on those variations (hopefully I've got them all straight :) ) - I think I like the horizontal ones best - it gives a sense of movement. Although the vertical lines are more about a graph - I'm thinking google analytics for some reason - showing their site's search engine rankings climbing over time.
Can you do the colors of #80 and put it into the layout of #86 (vertical bars). Try the blues/greens. I am getting there. I like the verticals I think. Try it with a grey "keller" then also with that blue green "keller" like in #80. Thanks for putting all the variations up.
I am really liking #103. Can you make a tweak to see how it looks -- what if you just "bolded" the tag line "seo speciliast since 1998" just a bit so that it stands out a little more. I know it is less important and takes a back seat to the "jen keller" part but I want to see if it can stand out just a tiny bit more. Ideas? Although I have to tell you, I really like #103!
I like the bolded one. I am leaning toward picking the current #1 I have ranked. Can you do one more set of color versions. I am leaning toward using the colors on this homepage in my template. -- the green as a primary and maybe the oranges or the green with the blues. Can you work those into #103 or #117? Just want to see how those would look. You can wither keep the Grey Keller or Swap the grey with the Green? getting really close. Thanks :)
I am currently on the road and I will home in around 3 hours. I will be happy to make the revisions as soon as I get there. You don't have to extend the contest unless you want to, as long as I'm in first place I am able to upload as many revisions as you like.
Hi Misty, I am about to pick one of your logos as my winner. The one I am liking is #117. Before I do that, can you make one last color variation for me. Could You do #117 with the following:
From website For Keller and for the shortest bar use same color: (it’s a deep espresso brown) Click on “tree at dusk” Hex: #674536 Web safe: #663333 R:103 G:69 B:54
From website For jen and the medium height bar use same color: Click on the chameleon photo: Hex: #A3B641 Web safe: #99cc33 R:163 G:182 B:65
• From website o For SEO SPECIALIST, etc use color :(it’s an almost black, but not as harsh as true black) Click on the tiger photo: Hex: #1A200A Web safe: #333300 R:26 G:32 B:10
I just want to verify that on #117 that the "jen" color and the short bar are the same color and that the Keller and the "seo specialist" are the same color. Can you confirm before I select that one as the winner? Thanks much for your time and effort. I am very happy with it!