I like the crispness of the design & the play on the intials. On #6 I like the rectangle being askew with the shadow beneath it as well as the fact that the business name is not overshadowed by the rest of the design. The size ratio between the two seems to be perfect.
Although I do like the monochrome effect very much, I wonder how it would be with just a hint of color.
hi ch...im sorry 4 being such a late to response, coz i have a little problem. anyway heres my revision....trying my best to fullfill ur request, if u need me to tweak more dont be hesitate to ask...ok? please enjoy....
fullmetaljackets - I really like what you've done and am wondering about something. I like #6 and #40. The reason is that I have clothing and give-a-ways embroidered and think #40 would look great on almost any fabric color since it's light. However, many printed items would need a transparent or white background like #6. How would I work around that? In the FAQ it said that you should be able to provide both. Is that the case?
dear Ch...thx for liking my design...it was an honor... by the way, as i know if u have a monochrome or black&white kind of logo and u plan to print it on both black and white background u will need to invert the colour, eg. the black colour on white background will convert to white colour on black background. it is okay coz the logo will still have same meaning and same colour intepretation. this is natural on black n white logo printing. unless u dont wanna ur logo colour to be changed, than u have to made ur logo in colour (other than black n white). its up to u...i'll tweak it whatever u say...but in my opinion if u really crush on monochrome logo? stand 4 it...u dont have to forced it to be coloured logo so that u can print it to all coloured media. thats all 4 now.....thank you so much for keepin touch with me, if you need more thing to ask, dont hesitate....cheers :) btw, i'm sorry for my poor english...but i hope u got what i mean....thx.
I absolutely love yor work, especially the most recent entries (68, 69, 70 & 71) and I'm not sure which I like more, the graphic on the side or above the name!
I like each one for different applications. but could you make the graphic a bit smaller so that the business name shows up a bit more ? (most specifically in the designs with the graphic on the side). My husband mentioned that the name doesn't show up that well.
Also, is that a shadow under the graphic? I noticed that if it is a shadow, it doesn't coordinate with how the "light" would create a shadow. I would think it would need to be inverted.
hi CH... thx again for loving my work. heres my submission by your last request, i tweak the artwork to a bit smaller...so the business name will more shows up. and about the shadow under artwork, yes that is a shadow and the behaviour is correct b'coz i assumed that the light is from the front of the artwork and there was a distance between artwork and the ground. but your comment inspire me to create more "fit" shadow. its on this submission to, its "from backgroud light" as you thought it on my previous work. i hope u enjoy it.
Would you be able to make 'photography" a bit larger in #6? Not as big as the name, but it's kind of hidden. I really like it, but again, if this is made small enough to be on a shirt, the word photography really wouldn't show up.
Also, if I decided to go with one of your designs, would I be able to get the different variations of the file? for example, If I chose #80, would I be able to get the file for 82, 71 & 68 to go with it? They're all pretty much the same, but some would be better for print/web, the other for embroidery and with the combination of the graphic off to the side or on top, The different layouts work better for differen things.
dear CH. yes i would. ok i will make the 'photography' a bit larger. its very easy... also if you decided to go with mine, u will also get all variation of my file...because its all the same concept its just different lay out. thats all. thx for your message...u will get the revision right away...
OMG, I am absolutely in love with #143 through #150!!!! You are truly amazing.
The only thing I would want to see is what they would look like with a burnt orange color...some of the brochures I create for senior portraits are a little trendier & less formal...using a grunge look. in that case the blue/green color is too professioanl for that type of audience.
cmon ch.... if u like that design...pick it... and about how it would look 4 embroidery...u shall no worry about it...it can easyly fixed...trust me. i will give u how it would look on solid color so u can imagine it on embroidery. if u pick me, i'll make some revision on that... thx. but if u still dont want my design, thats ok...but would u please rank it as much as possible...coz i like if u appreciate my design by give it some rank so that i can earn some points. thx.
cmon ch.... if u like that design...pick it... and about how it would look 4 embroidery...u shall no worry about it...it can easyly fixed...trust me. i will give u how it would look on solid color so u can imagine it on embroidery. if u pick me, i'll make some revision on that... thx. but if u still dont want my design, thats ok...but would u please rank it as much as possible...coz i like if u appreciate my design by give it some rank so that i can earn some points. thx.
This is a very difficult choice between the top three in rank. I listed #146 as 1 in rank right now, because I like that it looks to be maybe slightly smaller than the rest, but I can't tell. I could just be an illusion.
I still have not decided which of your two designs I like the most - it's a very tough choice.
Here's what I'd like to see before making a decision (if possible, for both #146 & #148)
-a version with some warmer color tones for the reason stated in my previous comment -a version for embroidery
hi ch...as you see from my new submission...(#204)i tweak the color to match with your brochures background....and the rest are the embroidery variation. as we know 3dimensional effect can we get from embroidery by two ways, first: translating the gradation colors to seperate color each represent its part on the gradation. and the second is by using glossy thread for dominant color in gradation and u can see the sample applied on this: http://www.embroideredwear.com/images/3dPuff.gif. i hope that can help. thx.
hi ch...as you see from my new submission...(#204)i tweak the color to match with your brochures background....and the rest are the embroidery variation. as we know 3dimensional effect can we get from embroidery by two ways, first: translating the gradation colors to seperate color each represent its part on the gradation. and the second is by using glossy thread for dominant color in gradation and u can see the sample applied on this: http://www.embroideredwear.com/images/3dPuff.gif i hope that can help. thx.
fullmetaljackets - I want to thank you sincerely for all that you have done. This was an extremely difficult decision and I truly loved the work that you had done for me. If I could have picked two, yours certainly would have been one of them. I realize that's not a big consolation for you, but I tried to rank the rest of your designs as high as possible to allow you to get the points for them.