Hello, this proposal makes a symbol that looks like a jewel with the letters of the your company. This symbol adds precious to the brand and it has the colors that you asked.
Hope you enjoy. If there's anything that you want me to change, let me know.
Of your three submissions, I like Entry #3 best. It has an elegant, simple feel, which is attractive. However, I am looking for something a bit more eye-catching -- maybe not so simple? The symbol you utilize is not exactly what I'm looking for, although it's nice. And although your font is clean & sleek, it is a tad plain. I'm actually hoping for usage of the fonts I currently use for my workdmark (see my website at www.ArtistryThatRocks.com). And by the way, although I included my company tagline "ArtistryThatRocks", I'd actually prefer it not be used in the logo. I simply included it to give you a feel for my brand.
I also noticed you utilize a type of fleur. Again, elegant and nice, but a bit plain for what I'm looking for. Maybe substitute floral grunge instead? My website is being redesigned to incorporate this, as can be seen here at my temporary mock-up: http://www.jcimagedesign-new.us.temp.livebooks.com/#p=-1&a=0&at=0
Hope that helps! Thanks for submitting! Looking forward to more submissions and variations.
As indicated, I prefer Entry #3 best, although it is not exactly what I'm looking for. The other two entries #2 and #1 utilize symbols that are a bit too "Web 2.0" for me. The bubbly feel of the symbols is not in line with my brand.
Still, thank you for the entries! I enjoyed reviewing them.
Thank you for the additional submissions! #9 and #10 stray further from my romantic, sultry, luxury brand. I'd really like the logo to convey a sense of something romantic and expensive, with a feminine touch. As I mentioned in other comments, I'm leaning on use of an emblem or fancy symbol somewhere, which explains my current rankings given the available choices.
Hope that helps. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Thank you, Oapo, for your recent submissions. Nice variety, and definitely with an improved appeal across the board.
Here is what I like about #31: 1. Very nice Letterform Mark. That is one that could easily be identified in various advertising platforms. 2. Nice color scheme. 3. Although I've mentioned wanting my company tagline ommitted from new submissions, #31 actually makes it look good.
What I'd like to see: 1. A variation using the font Mistral somewhere in the logo. 2. Go fancier, more elaborate. Possibly incorporate use of an insignia or floral grunge elements in the design. 3. A version without my company tagine (in other words, a version without "Artistry That Rocks"). 4. A version that uses a black background.
When people see the logo, I want to them to think: Luxurious. Romantic. Artstic. Edgy.
Looking forward to future submissions and variations. Thank you for sharing your artistic eye!
I still have my eye on #31. I keep going back to it. Hmmmm.... I'd love to see a variation that would place the "JC" to the left of "Image Design", instead of on top of it. I'd also love to see a variation with a black background.
I appreciate how in #48#50#51 you utilized the "Mistral" font with a black background as suggested, but I feel Mistral doesn't work well here (but I do like the black background). Thank you for putting together the variations. Now it gives me a better idea of what I want and don't want.
Any chance we can see more like #31, but maybe with a different emblem? Maybe a fancy family crest or something fancy, romantic, luxurious, and powerful?
Oapo, #89 and #91 are outstanding. Now this is what I was talking about when asking for a fancy insignia and floral grunge. Very beautiful logos! A couple of minor changes I'd like to see, por favor:
- I appreciate your creation of the font for #89. It is definitely unique! Is there a way to modify it so that the "J" looks more like a J? Some colleagues thought it could be mistaken for a "T". If your custom font is not changeable, I'd be ok with a totally different font used. Also, could you make the "jc image design" slightly more bold? Just a little. Thank you!
- For #91, I'd also like to see a different font used for the "JC" in the insignia, as well as making the "jc image design" slightly more bold. Again, thank you.
Looking forward to the updates. Gorgeous designs, Oapo!