I've uploaded several versions, complete with "tie theme" as you requested in the brief. These versions are indeed bright and classy; they'll grab the viewer's attention and help imprint your name on their brain with their dazzling colors.
If you prefer any adjustments, or have any suggestions, feel free to let me know your thoughts. No submission is final. I'm happy to work with you, to help you get the design you truly want.
I noticed you logged in without re-ranking your contest after many new entries were received from multiple Designers. The public feedback is fantastic but I'd like to hear, in this private contest thread (not publicly, thank you) what you think of my designs, so I may serve you better.
What do you think of the submissions I've provided you with so far? Like/Love/Hate/Etc....? Want something done differently with them? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Great feedback on the public thread!! Now I'm withdrawing all my entries, as you apparently are not keen on my designs. I wish you good, luck your contest.