#4 is going in right direction. Please try another font that is easier to read - something 'block-ier' than your script. Maybe do a version that has another color for 'Java', but keep 'Gold' gold.
Hello there, thank You for your comments. Thank you for checking other logos and that notice of the font used. I will try to make some changes in a while.
On #7 - could you put a 'rosetta' or 'heart' - where the Java is in the foam of the cup. The Rosetta or heart would look like 'latte art' (you can do a search under 'latte art' in google)
Is it possible to take what you have done with #7 & #8 - and create a 'circular' type logo - like Ape did on his entry. I would like to see this possiblity also.
Is it me - but #7 & #8 are different brightness of the same color - or different colors altogether? Could you produce each of them with the different color versions, please.