iTeaBarLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / iTeaBar

iTeaBar has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 380 designs from 68 different designers from around the world.

Entries by

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Logo Designer
Oh this one. Hope you do too!

(This comment references Entry #85)
14 years ago
#111 - Really like this new concept you have, can I see this one without as bright a dot on the "i" and without mirrored look? This is a very cool look.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#149 has green added to the sparkle...
14 years ago
#144 - What would this look like with a white background? I really like the direction you have gone with this! Thank you.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This entry has dark chocolate letters.

(This comment references Entry #185)
14 years ago
I like the green soft feel to some of your work . please take a peak at my tourney...
14 years ago
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