thanks for your work. As i said to other contestants i'm searching something original, a logo that make you feel "wow i'm reading a magazine about software or hi tech".. I'm not searching Entry #1 neither Entry #20
i try to be more clear and descriptive. Let we see for example on your Logo Portfolio the beautiful "Community Recreation Center" or "Adapt Entertainment, LLC". All of them are clear and gives you an idea of what you find inside the sites.
I was searching something original (not something identical to "Community Recreation Center" or "Adapt Entertainment, LLC") with a blanque background, a icon on the left and maybe some fonts on the right with the words "Italia SW Magazine", better if Magazine stay in bottom
Hi, I am still working out some ideas but I think I have a good concept on entry number 9. I took the concept of an open magazine and introduced squares to give the idea of having a kind of digital stuff coming out from it,
Thanks very much for your work, i think logos are all beautiful but i had to remove someone so you see better what i'm searching for. I have some requests if possibile. Do you try to change background of sw in Entry #48 and Entry #27 to #EE1F25 ? Do you try to change color of the word magazine in Entry #48 to #EE1F25 ? Do you try to change color of Entry #48 (sheet color green) to #3BB001?
If you need some help here is the link to the new template of the cms (work in progress)