Of your designs I like #68 best with the "International" in bold which looks really good but don't care so much about the "ISS" part although it is simple as I had requested. Might want to try some variations on this.
Lot better already. I think for now I like #110 best. The other ones I have to look at for about an hour to get you some feedback. BTW: I'll be out for about 2 so I'll try to get you feedback later tonight.
On #114 and #115. They actually do a bit less for me than #110.
My partner was not too fond of the arrows as they are presented in #107, #108 and #109. I think some Russian space agency uses thise type of arrows flowing into one. Maybe that's what turns him off.
Must be terrible for a designer to try to find out what we want id all we can say it "we like this, we don't like that". Sorry I can't be very specific.