On #95, I would use the same color for all letters which means it needs a space between all words. also, can you try a straight "I" (as in # 98) rather than the one with the flat top and bottom?
Can you try one design without the "cut" through the "ISS" part to see how it looks?
Is the globe not a bit too light to see on paper against a white background.
#134: thanks, looks very good. We were thinking how this one would look like if you leave the "cut" through the "ISS" part as you show in #95. My partner actually did like that.
Since you're at it: can you make the color of the text "International sales support" dark such as in #135. It really jumps of the page.
Currently you have the "ISS" letters sticking together, what if you separate them just slightly (not too far apart). I think it would make it look less "brick" like.
# 135: your other designs are much better so I would no go this route but thanks for the try.