hi, im traveling - be on in about one hour so we can nail this down.. is there a place to download our trailer image so you can see where this logo will be placed.. ?
Hi, In the first logo, is the face to much like the original charactor..? is that logo can work- I was thinking more if we changed the clothing- to overalls (something that didnt look to homeless ;) ) - and maybe a beeny hat.. or smaller hat.. or cap.. if you think that logo is too much like the original charactor.. it might be a lot of work to try and re-create the right wolf maybe...
Time is short.. I like the face on entry 27 - but with a tail... and the hat and clothes are not working.... I have attached a link to overalls we wear in spray foam- maybe just the suit with the hood laying behind the head instead of on the head - no glasses, gloves or mouth cover. Just after clothing ... if the suit legs are cut off like your #3 entry it would probably give it charactor....
You did it.. great job :) I will end the contest today and award the prize... how is it working with licenses/ rights, do we need to get this logo a copywright..? is it possible to get the logo in EPS and additional formats, such as pdf, png with no background color..?