What We Do
Our team provides professional development to all employees at our high-tech, medical device company in Silicon Valley.
Color Preferences
blue (CMYK 2C76BC), gray (CMYK 999999), gold (CMYK F5A81C)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We are designing a newsletter for our learning and development team. We are in need of a logo/brand for the newsletter. Please see the attachment for the mock up of the newsletter. We are wanting to use the text "In the K(NOW)" including the parentheses. We do not need our team name (ISI Global Talent Development).
Some ideas we had are an individual jumping into a circle. Something that represents gaining knowledge that is current/ relevant/ useful. Maybe reaching towards or looking at a "goal". Playing on ideas around collaboration. We are really open to anything! Ideally this is something that is simple enough to be embroidered and kept to 1-3 colors. Century Gothic or Gotham font.