So far, I like entry #25 the most. It's simple, keeps photography as secondary (I consider myself the primary since I'm the photographer - yeah, I know, I'm crazy.). But it also has a punch of color with my initials off to the side.
I like the color of entry #26, but it might be too busy for me.
Thank you! I still like your design for entry #25...but with some recent submissions to the contest...I'm starting to see that the first three I ranked might be closer to me. But I like that yours kind of makes me look a little unique and refined and colorful. I wish I could describe myself better. And thank you again!
I have been doing a heck of a lot of thinking today - and I think I'm going to pull your #25 out. I think that the topped ranked logos, that I'm going to rank in a minute here, are a closer representation to who I am.