Isabel Sam PhotographyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Isabel Sam Photography

Isabel Sam Photography has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 161 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.




Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Colorful, with a touch of an homage to the theme on your website.

(This comment references Entry #38)
15 years ago
For entry #39 - Yes, I totally see the resemblance to my site :) It's colorful and playful and does "play" well with my site. Hmmmmm let me think about this one tonight!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Same concept, a more refined version

(This comment references Entry #47)
15 years ago
Hi Loquaz!

I like #47 a lot!!!!!! I'm honestly stuck between this one and the two that are ranked above you. You see, I really really like how this ties in super nicely with the wall paper I had designed. It would just make my branding so uniform - does that make sense? But, the two above yours, are simple and cute and do catch the eye a lot. And the smiley in them just makes me happy - because that's the kind of photography I try to do.

So, that's where I am. I'm sorry I'm very much not a designer - nor do I really know what it takes to be a good designer or a critiquer - so forgive me if I sound weird!!!!

And thank you for your designs!!!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
A slightly more refined version, a bit less heavy handed, as it were. Thanks so much for all the feedback you've provided up to now -- even if you don't feel like you know the right "language", you've been providing great information to all of the designers involved in your contest and it's highly appreciated.

(This comment references Entry #58)
15 years ago
Hello Loquaz!

Thank you so much for your help! I'm afraid I'm feeling like I'm getting worse here with my descriptions. All I know is that I like entry #47 more still right now. I think it's the simplicity or the "cleanness" of the first three that I have ranked above you - which contradicts how I said I loved your designs because they mesh with what I've got.

This contest is killing me because I know there is an artist on the other end.

Thank you so much!

15 years ago
Hi Loquaz!

Okay, I think I'm going to pull #47 out now. While you were the first and oh so spot on to take what you know I do like and run with it....I do need to remind myself that I want to go for a more high-end client now...and weddings make me a lot more money...and while I do love your design - it may make me look more like a solely child photographer.

Thank you for all your time and help! I appreciate it!

15 years ago
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