very nice. could you try the reticle as a "mil dot" style reticle? also, could you change the spelling to Ironhyde" (with a y)? thanks much, i look forward to seeing more. DJ
In my opinion the mil dot style would ccroud the logo unnecesarely bu I gave it a try. My first version was sa stylized sniper scope, more like a target. I belive you will imprint this on weapons, in this case you need a logo that will work in one color.
agree completly. but thanks for giving me a nice visual. any ideas with a full body? leaning towards just the head but curious to see a body shot as well. thanks again, DJ
also like #5 with the head fully in cirle (looks more like a sight picture)
i uploaded some pics to the sight if you wanted to take a look at the type of rhinos that inspired my choice for a mascot. thanks again Marius, youve been a great help and i appreciate the creative input. cant wait to see more. Doug
this is awesome. youve really nailed it. i really like #24. could you make the rhino head more negative space. also could you turn the ears upward to around 45 degrees on #24 and #26
really liking your stuff. cant wait to see what you can do with this. thanks yet again, Doug
Hi. I uploaded new versions with the modifications you asked and something more.
You ask for my opinion from a marketing stance. Here is my tought process in creating your logo based of what I think you need. Based on your business I disregarded immediatly any use of strong gradients in the logo. Beeing a manufacturer you need to use it on your products, maybe as a small engraving or something (this is why my logos have quite large spaces beteen shapes composing the logo). So my goal is to find a logo that works perfectly in both color and black and white. On the logos I've entered, to make something more happen I applied a little rugged texture to increase the personality of the logo and to give a little iron feel. This would be the print, web logo. The logo used on the product will be clean of the texture. This is about the general view.
Now about particularities. First of all a great logo must have a good ideea behind, something catchy, not just throw a rhino in the logo. Your company name is Ironhyde ... if you change the "y" with an "i", something many people will instinctively do because of the nature of the word, pronunciation etc. , you get a nice combination of words: Iron and hide (hide beeing synonyme with skin, pelt) which is very fortunate in my opinion and gave me a great design approach angle. On this I based my designs. As you can see my rhinos tend to have a layerd structure just like an armor. I also added a crosshair in some designs for the obious resons. Also on the red banner at the bottom I tryed a little small detail. The R and the left side of the banner cretes the basic shape of a handgun, simmilar ideea to the James Bond's 007 logo, but more basic and hidden becaude this must be a secondary detail to show up only on a close examination, for people to think "nice", but not to steal the show.
To be honnest, I am really proud on this ones and how they developed over the last 2 days. Feedback on the new logosI uploaded is appreciated.
wow. great information. you point out alot of particulars i hadnt taken into consideration. and even though i knew i love the title portion of your logos all along, i (sheepishly) didnt notice that the "R" made up a pistol. that is freakn awesome. stroke of genius if i must say so.
thank you very much for all the renditions. youve worked very hard on my behalf. one more opinion if you dont mind? in youre professional opinion do you think it looks better with or without the "LLC" in the name. ive never been a fan of people putting it in their logos.....but i actually think it adds a little something to this project. obviously not a big deal but your input would be appreciated.
thanks again Marius, and keep up the inspiring (for me) work. this has been the most exciting part of starting up a personal business. and definately the best service for my money. Doug
Hi, My opinion is to have it without LLC. You create a brand, the image for your products. Keep it simple. You eventually could have a version of the logo with the LLC in for official contracts etc. but just for that.
I uploaded new versions. This I think is as far as I can go with this design. If you have other Ideeas for improveing it let me know.
Hello Marius, I would love to buy your entry #66. I spoke with Logotournament Support and they explained a couple ways to do so. If you're interested we could either do it as a private arrangement or if youd rather for our own peace of mind, i could run a second contest and just end it as soon as i recieve your entry #66.
feel free to contact me via personal email at your convienence. we can discuss the particulars at that time. I really love your work and especialy appreciate all the personal interaction and support. you gave me alot of insight regarding all the different considerations involving my business's logo. you are a great credit to your field. thanks for everything Marius, Doug Johnson