Entry 16 is currently in our top 2 - can see some other fonts and also see if there is a way to tie the red square into the second line in a stronger manner.
105 is very close. Ireland got too bold. Perhaps just add a stroke to the first one to make it slightly bolder. Green dot, other part black (we like the version that looks like an i rather than the one laid on its side).
We will be selecting your #117. Can you please make the second line slightly larger (more like #138) and only slightly bolder? The small second line is nice but will be a little difficult to read on some application.
This is a very nice solution and we know you are the one who came up with it. Thank you.
Can you please let me know the name of the typeface you used on the other example we liked? I tried to access it, but you have withdrawn all the others.
This was a very nice simple solution. We are very pleased with it and really like the way the blocks form an i..