I would recommend you to look for small symbol or mascot that would perfectly represent IQONNA idea "being IQONNA, it means being like a star". Also do not copy o mix (it is too much) with NN letters as it was presented by other designer. And lastly, if you are interested in finding better solution I would recommend you try to see how it would look when adding to your first designs that you uploaded here with hand writing a slogan "Fashion for she" (see more accurately the description). I wish you look! thank you
Hey! Thank you for your feedback. I agree that all the letters I made are a little to much. I added the NN facing each other because your example of things you like (the "marrige" logo). As requested - I added the slogan to the first design I upload (see #70) #71 with the same font but thinner (here I didnt connected the two N's) #73 same as #71 with more space between the letters - see if you like. I will try to make a symbol. Please let me know what you think of my new submitions (do you like this font for the slogan?) TY!
Thank you, - we see something between #63 and #64 for slogan (#64 is more better, but needs some adjustments/details from #63). Also try to see if it may fit not in standard position/way (middle under the name IQONNA). We think it would be nicer, if slogan would look like (resemble) signature. (Please see our attachments in brief description and you will see some ideas). If you find that there are to many details with IQONNA, feel free to work on it too. Looking forward.
#81 Overall looks good. Font for slogan OK, (sorry, change the last word "she" into "her" - our mistake, we have changed in briefing too). Symbol is OK, but if you have more will, try to find more symbol options with "nice star" or other similar elements...! Very waiting, and take your time please to find best solutions. Thank you very much & good luck!
Dear Lolita, your #130-133 font soso, it is too royal. Actually, for another option you might try to find style like #74. (as that designer is not working on our comments :) )The symbol that you have created on #85 is good. As I have mentioned you previously try to find another type of symbol for example what resembles star.
Hi, Sorry for the misunderstanding.. About the contour line, I am not sure I understand, do you mean like I did in #153? (arround the whole symbol its not working, but like this its nice). What do you think? thanks!
Hi, I had in mind not a frame (rectangular or circle), but additional layer by the edges of symbols small elements. Look carefully at the 2nd places symbol "flower" --> it has an additional edge/lining which is approx. up to 1mm thickness, and only then comes flower... :) do you catch an idea?
OK Lolita, I have eliminated some of your samples, not to over mix everything, as difference is very hard to see here on small enlargement abilities. So lastly lets do such variations: 1. #202#195 Make slogan in all capital letters 2. #202#195 Make slogan in all small letters Very waiting ;)
Ok Lolita, thank you. Actually, you are the winner ;) and would you be able to make us logo file for download with those 3 types of slogan (1. small letters, 2. first capital letters and 3. with all capital letters) black on white and white on black?
OK, Actually, you are the winner ;)!! Only one question, would you be able to make for download us file with those 3 types of slogan (1. small letter, 2. First capital letters 3 all capital letters) black & white and white & black?? Or in other words, we would prefer to have all these 8 options from 1st to 8th rank??