Thank you for the progress. With 136 we just need to reverse the order of the 3 blue bars in that right side face.
The first bar should be a bar with 1 square in that 3d blue.(i.e. the bottom left square).
The 2nd bar next to it should have 2 squares in that 3d blue.. The bottom square and the one above it.
The 3rd bar next to it should have all 3 squares in that 3d blue.
That's it.
You can remove the ones that you recently added the circular line. But create a version that has a line graph just inside that face of the cube, instead of the 3D bar chart that I've described above. THe line can look something like the line in this image (ignore the Background Grid and the plus sign. Just focus on the line).
http://www.artistsvalley.com/previewicons-Database-Application-Icons/Reports_Line_Chart_Add-icon.htmlBetween these 2 options we can pick one. Again it's the same cube in both options. One will show a 3D Bar chart with cubes like described above, and a 2nd option will show a line chart as described above.
I hope this helps. THank you.