Iowa Gold GymnasticsLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Iowa Gold Gymnastics
Iowa Gold Gymnastics has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 187 designs
from 24 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
High quality gymnastics coaching for toddlers to adults in an elite-level facility.
Color Preferences
Would like some color in the logo - possibly a combination of navy blue/orange or blue/green, however we are open to other ideas. No red as there is another gym in the area that uses red and black and we do not want to be accidentally associated with them.
Overall we would like the colors to be relatively gender neutral as we cater to both boys and girls.
As there is 'Gold' in our name, it would be nice if it was used as an accent in the logo in some way.
Overall we would like the colors to be relatively gender neutral as we cater to both boys and girls.
As there is 'Gold' in our name, it would be nice if it was used as an accent in the logo in some way.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Ideally, I would like the logo to have a graphic/icon that would be recognizable on its own and then the name of the gym printed below. I do want it to read gymnastics, but not be over the top with silhouettes or symbolism. Clean, simple, professional - we really want it to help set us apart from other gyms in the area.