Definitely like...#1 and #2 more than #3 and #4... #1...try making the sun the google colors? also...maybe an all caps font...using small caps...I like the look of the inverted "N"...
#2...try making the outline of the cloud into the google spectrum? same thing on the there a way to attach the plug to the bottom of the inverted "i"? maybe that bottom of the "i" gets the google color spectrum? Could also change the "cloud" of plugging into the cloud into the google color spectrum...want some correlation there...going to be a pretty big part but not 100% inclusive...
in fact...please disregard #3, #4... I would be open to any other completely different concepts you might have...just for variety/discussion.
Thanks for cool constructive feedback, much appreciated :) I have taken on board what you say, so i wil make a few revisions and will upload again some time today hopefully for you :)
Look @ #6...where you have segmented colors composing the outline of the cloud...instead of segments...see if we can do a left to right gradient...but leaving the cloud fill as white...just the outline to be a gradient...
going back to entry #1...remove the blue fill from the cloud...and just use a blue outline...keep everything else the same (I like the "hollow" cloud feel)...also leave the sun yellow...the multicolored sun isn't quite working...was a good thought though...
#1 and #2 are still my favorites of yours...I like the clean simplicity of #2...and the creative design of #1...also adapt #1 and #2 with the font you have in #5...I like that font!!!
I just uploaded #16 with blue outlined cloud, i kept everything the same except the font which i changed for the one you preferred :) Any more changes please just let me know, thank you
can you try to merge the two instead of the blue outline cloud...make it a light grey like the cord/plug? make it more faint as opposed to bold...I do like the "hollow" cloud very much so...
and maybe more of a yellow for the sun instead of the orange?
Lets try to put a couple of additional cloud lines in the middle of a different shade to try to get the cloud a little "depth"...I really like the simple one we have right now...just trying to make a couple of highlights...I would also thin up the outer line just a little bit...maybe by about 30%
what about making the slogan slightly darker so it is a little more prominent...
now we are talking...try a few more just in the middle to give it some more "volume"...
for another option...can we try this:
also...going back to the other design...what if we try a plug from the slogan and whip around like you did on the other design (#2) and curl it around and "plug it in" where the sun currently is...and instead of a sun...lets put almost like a "spark" where the plug is going into the cloud...just a glow or some sort of a yellow (I like that constrast with the blue and greys)...
I really like where we are going with this...THANKS!
Take #24...and do the plug concept with that...make the plug a little more prominent and make the "spark" more prominent than you have on #30
I really like the cloud design in #24...I like the added marks on the interior of it...just want to try to incorporate the plug into the cloud and I think using the location where the sun is currently (removing the sun) and replacing it with a cord and a "spark" will still give the color contrast I like of the current #24 design...but will play right into the slogan...
Also lets try to normalize the "N" in networks...and the "i" in Inverted...and instead just mirror the "N" in inverted...I think that might make the statement I am looking for by being very noticable...but correlate more because it is in the Inverted word and not Networks...
also...I had another idea...I know imagine that :)
what if we mirror the cloud...and let the plug come from the opposite side of the text? also try to subtle out the spark just a little bit...I like it being prominent but not quite dominate...