Could you change some colors in #74? change the bulb style? play with some letter? Perhaps a more corporate touch? This in order to have more ideas. thank you very much.
Hi, A complex design, we like #74: the bulb, we like the #174: abstract and we like #179: other colors. Could you join these 3 things in one? Perhaps in #179 use yellow/orange in the top in order to give a bulb on.
With the elements we have in our logo, light bulb which means idea, gear will represent continuous and consistent work, I think our logo speak for itself. :)
Yes, really that its the point of this logo, speak for itself. It's concret. But if you try a good combination of colors I thinks that it could be great. The #231 is still the logo that is perfect in this concept.
If you give to the gear a color in each tooth perhaps it achieve the final touch. Trying to give a consistency among the colors.
I like #270 but it's a little complicated. We love the direct concept of the bulb the only thing is the versality. #231 and #74 are our faves, could you use the tooth of the gear as "parts" and color them with a different color (each tooth)? Could you armonize the logo and the multiple colors?
Here is my update - #282, hope that is what you meant. Sorry for my late reply, I'm having internet issues lately but will have it fix asap so please feel free to leave any feedback.
I agree, the last changes made our logo busy because of multicolors. #231 uses only 2 colors just like any other powerful brands(fedex, youtube, skype, etc) I always aim for simple yet unique and that is #231. Less is more.