- I don't really like the separation between "into" and "the", I prefer "intothe" in one word. Maybe you can try to put "into" & "the" in different colors (blue?). Or maybe put one of them in bold. Or you can also try to replace "into" by "in2".
- Last thing, I don't like the gradient you used for "into the" in #6 But I like the one you used for "web" in #2.
- The shadow below the ball is a little too light. - Can you please replace the blue by the one you used in 11. - The "2" is a little to big. - Can you please resize the text so it will have the same height as the pictogram?
Sorry I forgot to say that you have to remove the pictogram. Can you please try that in #53? So replace the W of "Web" byt the picto and remove it from the left.