internet_companyLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / internet_company internet_company has selected their winning logo design. For $325 they received 271 designs from 33 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Luckykid Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 6th #152 Withdrawn New #240 Withdrawn New #235 Withdrawn New #236 Withdrawn New #100 Withdrawn New #102 Withdrawn New #101 Withdrawn New #246 Withdrawn New #242 Withdrawn Prefers others. #99 Withdrawn Prefers others. #98 Withdrawn Prefers others. #97 Withdrawn Prefers others. #96 Discussion acarrillojr Client Luckykid,I like your shield and swoosh a lot, but I find the zvelo's hard to read and either blocky in the one style (where it looks like zuelo) or vampiric in the other (where it looks like zvd or zveb and a bit jagged).Can you try some other styles for the lettering? 15 years ago