Hello Asti, Thank you very much for your logo submissions for International Focus. Your design #49 is the finalist for us, but I have a couple of requests:
Could you please make the "International Focus, Inc. a little more prominent? Would it be possible to have a globe where the two figures are pointing at Raleigh, North Carolina (or that vicinity)? We do some of our printing in black and white - could I see the logo how it would be in black and white? Will we be able to get two files: One with the complete logo and one with just the globe and figures? We have some publications where we'd like to just use the art without the text.
Sorry for all the requests! Please let me know your thoughts on the above. Thanks very much! I hope we can get them all resolved and use your logo for our organization! Best wishes, Clodagh
hi hope i understood well the requests - if you want me to change something just tell me. (bigger or same font as "discover the..." for "International Focus, Inc., ...)
Thanks very much! Could we have the font strength for "International Focus" as in 60, with the colors as in 49, please? Also, I was wondering if there is a globe view where the figures could be pointing to Raleigh, but centered on the globe as in 60 and 49? Thanks! Could I also see the icon only with the figures centered as mentioned above?