Color Preferences
I do want the logo to have some color, and not just be black/white/grey. A lot of the items I sell are sold on eBay, so it may be appropriate to subtly reference one or more of eBay's colors ( CMYK: red 68/34/0/0, blue 100/60/0/6, yellow 0/27/100/0, green 56/0/100/0 -- RGB: red 255/0/0, blue 0/0/153, yellow 255/204/0, green 153/204/0 -- Pantone: red 185C, blue 286C, yellow 130C, green 376C ). I would optimize the logo for a white background.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I would like the aspect ratio to be 310 x 90 pixels. I realize that LogoTournament standardizes the logo size for display purposes, but I am ultimately going to use a more rectangular-sized than square-sized logo and expect the winning designer to provide the logo in that aspect ratio. I am fairly certain I will want the slogan incorporated into the logo.